I received an email today that states that people need to be nicer to each other on this blog. And that perhaps moderation is in order! Though I prefer that you do not bring 3rd parties that are not involved into your disagreements.
But here is my answer to that......
This blog is called the Gloves are off, and it is going to live up to it's name.
You are all adults here and chose to post here and that is fine. If you have disagreements then you have disagreements. It is not the end of the world when you disagree with someone, is it?
If I am going to have to moderate this blog, then why have a comments section.
So is moderation the answer?
Should I moderate this blog?
Or do you think that we can all agree to disagree?
And not hold personal grudges!
If you don't want your dirty laundry aired, don't bring it up to begin with.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 284 of 284Finally...Dena, no one wants you to commit suicide, if that is what you're inferring. Just please stop.
CharlesCityCat wrote:
My point, if you are a real horse person, I don't have to explain.
My horses are my life, and in that statement I include all my clients' horses as well. All of us, if we consider ourselves horse lovers, should feel the same. In the big picture, they are what matters, along with our families.
Go hug your horses, Dena. Than maybe call your doctor and get some counseling? I really, sincerely think that you need it. Not being said in anything other than a concerned manner.
You guys are being awfully hyper-critcical of poor STFS. How many of you would be able to stand up to a fine tooth comb of everything you ever wrote or said, and find there was nothing contridictory or even wrong? The web is an evil mistress, cause she never forgets.
I realize that she has opened herself up to the criticism by starting a blog and posting a lot, but cut the woman some slack. I used to show Arabians myself, and what she is writing doesn't seem all that out there. If you don't agree, don't read her blog.
I used to write a column about something totally unrelated to horses, and people were just as vicious when they didn't agree with what I had to say. So I feel for her.
As far as being angry about something that happened with her and another person, sounds like a conflict that isn't really any of our business. Other than what I can glean from the boards, I have no idea what happened. Sounds like Roses has some inside information from someone close to the incident, and she's mad about it. She wants justice done. Well, I doubt any amount of indigant and angry prose on this message board will change much ... reality check. For those who care, don't give STFS your business or your attention, if you think she's in the wrong, but since we don't know all the details, that seems rather unfair.
STFS, I am sympathetic but frankly, I think you should just step away from this, post your stuff on your blog, and do your own thing. I don't think you are going to win this one.
Peace out.
Oh and Dena, even mentioning that "you won't kill yourself" sent off huge warning bells in my head. Please find someone sympathetic, in person, to talk to. I think most people here do want you to stay well, even if they might not be your best friends.
Ginger, thanks. I know there are a few folks I won't ever win over, and that really has never been my intention. It's not about "winning". But I understand your point.
It does go back to anonymity. Very easy to attack and pick apart what someone posts or writes when you sit behind your computer screen anonymously. That's something I have never done. I've always stood behind my words, but you know what? I think (in fact, I've been told as much by many people) it's my stance on meaning what I say and saying what I mean, and standing behind my words that bothers a few folks. I don't have a problem with people disagreeing with what I say. :) Honestly, it should be expected when you write. But if you cannot be respectful and show a little class, you show yourself to be a mean, petty person and you add nothing of value to the discussion.
On the being angry about the conflict between myself and another party, the thing is, neither roses, Dena or any of the folks who have posted in regard to that matter have any inside information. We reside in Southern California (myself and the only other party involved). Dena lives somewhere in Minnesota, roses lives somewhere in Illinois. Neither of them knows either of us personally in any way, shape or form. Nor do they know anything about the situation whatsoever. All it ever was with the two of them is a vendetta against me because they dislike me. My advice would be for them both to get a life.
Sigh. And on that note, I have been posting a few comments in response to those made on my blog, we're having a grand time discussing horses, tips and generally enjoying each other. THAT is what a "horse blog" should be about. :)
Oh for fucks sake you people have really overrated and estimated your sense of your own power in my life.
Kill myself? Over this???
What fucking planet do some of you come from?
Learn how to read. I am not talking about simply the words.
Get a fucking life and get off the fucking blogs for a minute to do all the things you claim.
Live a little you know?
My life does not end or start with what is written in places such as this.
Neither should any of your's.
Some of you have said and done some truly horrible things.
Some of you never seem to run out of time to continue doing so.
The only thing some of you never seem to do is admit when you are wrong.
Or, sincerely apologize and seek forgiveness for ANY of what you have done.
Some of you should never dare speak to me of what you think I should know. Or, what you think you know.
Instead ask yourselves what you should know.
Who you may owe an apology or amends to.
What you can do to make the world a better place.
If only for a moment.
You know it really is as simple as, what kind of person are you?
What kind of person do you want to be?
How would you like to be known?
And what have been your contributions to the world you live in?
Were they positive?
Isn't that the goal? For each of us to be the best person that we can be?
What does our life say about us?
Is this how any of you want to be known? I assure you it is a part of the sum total.
I know from my life that forgiveness comes easy when it is sincerely asked for.
Both ways on that particular street.
I also know that BB and her Mother stated that it would be so easy to forgive.
If only they were asked to do so.
And it would be the most wonderful outcome they could ever hope for.
Wake up people. The message isn't that complex.
Stop hurting each other. Nothing good can ever come from such as that.
I offered you an apology, Dena, after you sent me an unsolicited email that I thought was actually sincere. Remember that? You also said, in that email exchange, that you accepted my apology without question and after that, it seemed that everything was on it's way to calming down.
Then you came back at me again, for reasons unknown.
JR has asked that a certain individual not be brought into discussions here, yet you (and roses, who seems to parrot everything you say) just cannot respect him enough to...just...stop. What part of his message did you not understand?
You are the one who needs to "wake up".
People have given you good advice, civilly, and seemed to be concerned about you. Yet you turn and twist that around into something sinister. Seriously, what gives?
SFTS- while you may choose not to acknowledge anything I have to say in regards to training a horse merely because you do not agree or understand the concept behind it, it just shows how closed minded you are to even the simplest things in life.
I find it utterly laughable that you cannot see how through the simple use of good manners, I spare you the embarrassment of calling you out on your own blog. Your statement that suddenly I am not welcome there does amuse me, in that I have been kicked out of lesser places by a better class of loser. How tough is it to ban someone entry, to a place they would not go?
The endless amounts of sewage that spews forth from your mouth and sub sequentially your keyboard, just does not bode well for horse trainers at all, without regard to specific breeds or disciplines. It also proves several times over, the theory that people like you, choose to compete on the breed level and remain there, simply because you lack the qualifications to do any better and you choose not to push yourself to even try. I have seen this a number of times.
Others may argue with you if they so choose. I do not. Rather I view this as having become a game of toying with you. The length of which is until I become bored with it. You lack the ability to grasp the simplest of things. Simple manners, simple methods in training and simple truths in life.
That last part, the simple truth, I know you have issues with that, as you have repeatedly lied about various things. Please enlighten the readership here, as to just how you took that horse to the "Emergency vet appointment" when you had no truck at the time.
And I also can’t figure how she can be busy hauling a client’s horse around since she lost her truck when her husband got his DUI driving it through town with expired tags. Guess she does that by magic.
Whilst your comment about "dibs" on a particular horse, "...when they all get confiscated." may have entirely been meant as "tongue in cheek", the fact that you said it, just shows the new level of low you would sink to, to improve the status or standing you wish others to view you as having. Stating that reflects poor taste, no integrity, lack of character and a failure to use good judgment. Keeping well within your own low self standards there I see.
And yes, I know. I am full of vitriol and cannot comprehend things according to you... Are you hoping this entire group has been diagnosed ADD/ADHD and the repeated mentioning of glassy, metallic sulfates or sulfuric acid will divert our eyes? Good luck with that.
Ginger- SFTS went after a child only one year older than her own. There's no excusing that. The family has petitioned for and been granted a permanent restraining order against her.
Imagine how you would feel if every office of authority with jurisdiction were turned in your direction, simply because you refused the offer of someones "help". Help that you did not seek out from them or personally ask them for.
I have one last thing to add here, then I am done. The following is to bring to the forefront just how serious it is what SFTS/Stacy Nichols has done to this minor and what could be the possible ramifications IRL. Because this isn't just on the internet anymore.
Cyber Bullying Is Now Illegal
The Internet Was Uncharted Legal Territory Until Now
© Barbara Pytel
Dec 29, 2008
13-year-old Megan Meier's death has changed how legal experts see cyber bullying. It is no longer considered a teen-age prank. It is now a crime.
Missouri has the dubious honor of being the state that changed how cyber bullying was viewed by the world. When Megan Meier committed suicide because of harassment on the Internet, many decided this would no longer be tolerated. Cyber bullying must be stopped.
In Honor of Megan Meier
Megan Meier made national news with her suicide. She was the target of a cruel Internet hoax perpetrated by a female, adult neighbor posing as a young boy interested in Megan. The impulsive young girl suffering from depression and ADHD hung herself because of things said to her on the Internet. Laws are now going into place to prosecute others that would do the same. Unfortunately, Missouri did not have any laws that would make this a crime at the time of Megan’s death.
Lori Drew, Internet Bully
Neighbor Lori Drew never saw it coming. She probably never dreamed that her hoax would cause a 13-year-old to commit suicide. But, it happened anyway. And now, Drew is in the national limelight in a humiliating role of an Internet bully.
On Nov. 26, Drew was convicted of three minor offenses. The 49-year-old Drew was convicted of lesser charges because the prosecutor could not convince the jury of intent. If she had been found guilty of more serious charges, she would be facing up to 20 years in prison. Instead, Drew is probably facing one year in prison and a fine of $100,000.
First Internet Harassment Trial
Whether Drew was found guilty of serious charges or minor charges, she will be remembered as the mom that is responsible for a child’s suicide. Since there are few laws against Internet harassment, Drew was charged with conspiring to violate the fine print in MySpace’s agreement, which does not allow the use of phony names and any harassment of MySpace subscribers
Read more: http://educationalissues.suite101.com/article.cfm/cyber_bullying_is_now_illegal#ixzz0MWD20cNZ
"Rather I view this as having become a game of toying with you."
- - - - - - - -
The above just speaks volume for your character, or lack thereof. And lack of class, integrity or any sense of good judgment. Big surprise, that.
How about at least attempting to get facts straight?
"Please enlighten the readership here, as to just how you took that horse to the "Emergency vet appointment" when you had no truck at the time."
- - - - - - - -
Slick, pulling that quote off the FSH forum from back in April. It won't, however, grant you a free pass or get you very far.
Let's see. I used a client's truck, as we will be doing this weekend at our next show. While I sadly no longer have my former truck due to my husband's fuck up (yeah, imagine that, I fully admit to what happened and have never tried to hide from it), we are in the process of purchasing a new one.
Any more stupid questions to that end? Want to point out any more supposed "lies"?
As for the months-old comment made tongue-in-cheek on a private email list? That "dibs" comment, made way back on February 4th? Did you actually bother to read the entire thread on that subject? All the replies from other list members? Any of the other posts on the subject from the same time frame, including the comments from so many others, for months and months before I ever got involved, going back some ten months or so before I ever became involved? Recent comments in threads I have never ventured anywhere near? How about recalling your very own comments on the situation, and the "child"? I have those saved, too.
Ginger- SFTS went after a child only one year older than her own. There's no excusing that. The family has petitioned for and been granted a permanent restraining order against her.
- - - - - - - -
How about you refrain from posting about thing you know nothing about?
1) My daughter is a mere 4 months younger than the individual in question.
2) I never "went after" anyone with the intent of doing harm, whatsoever.
3) There has been no "permanent" restraining order granted against me, though there has been one put into place for three years and such is being appealed.
4) Any authorities which were ever contacted in this instance, with ONE exception, were NOT contacted by me. Had you actually read the threads from months before I ever arrived on the FSH forum you would have seen that. You suffer from what we parents commonly refer to as "selective reading" ~ i.e., you only read/see what you want to see.
Get your facts straight before purporting to call someone out.
You know, it would go a long way if you would simply offer a sincere, heartfelt PUBLIC apology to this child and her mother. In fact, it might even keep you from being prosecuted and receiving possible jail time.
I'm not being snarky, bitchy, or trying to threaten. I am simply trying to shed some light on the matter. What you have done/are doing can have a very real effect on people. Especially if that person is a young, impressionable, impulsive, misguided young girl. And as much as I dislike you, even I don't wish that on you.
roses...to even consider comparing my sincere offer of assistance to someone who asked for help on a public forum to the tragic death of Megan Meier is nothing short of sick and disgusting.
For the record, Lori Drew's conviction on those misdemeanor charges was thrown out by the judge handling the case.
Before any lunatic here dead set on ushering me into jail makes any mention to that effect, IN NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM do I condone what happened in the above mentioned tragedy.
You know, it would go a long way if you would simply offer a sincere, heartfelt PUBLIC apology to this child and her mother. In fact, it might even keep you from being prosecuted and receiving possible jail time.
- - - - - - - -
Why in the Hell should I apologize for trying to help a desperate kid who really needs help and guidance?? How about them apologizing to me for all the stalking and harassment they have perpetuated against myself, my family and my friends??
Can you maybe explain that one to me? Looking at the issue from an objective, untainted perspective for once??
I too wonder who is feeding Roses her information. Or else, I hope Roses that you have or intend to get a law degree, because there you have serious talent in research. That's not sarcasm, either.
Roses, she's not going to apologise on these forums or anywhere else. If you don't like her, stay away from her, and don't send your horses for training or child to lessons with her.
Dena, thanks for asking about the state of my soul. It's good, thanks. Glad to hear you were just kidding in that about killing yourself, and in fact, it was just a sarcastic post about how we all wish you were dead, but dammed if you will lay down and die for all of us haters. Guess I need to learn to "fucking read" and not waste any more time actually feeling concern for you.
In addition, a cyberstalker can dupe other Internet users into harassing or threatening a victim by utilizing Internet bulletin boards or chat rooms. For example, a stalker may post a controversial or enticing message on the board under the name, phone number, or e-mail address of the victim, resulting in subsequent responses being sent to the victim. Each message -- whether from the actual cyberstalker or others -- will have the intended effect on the victim,
SFTS said...
2) I never "went after" anyone with the intent of doing harm, whatsoever.
Not all cyberstalking however is malicious. In cases of "love obsession" cyberstalking for example, the stalker has no visible intent to harm you, and while their behavior may cause you great distress, they do not necessarily realize that they are doing so, since they are often lost in a fantasy world where they believe you are secretly in love with them. Other forms of online harassment are also not necessarily malicious. Some online harassment takes the forms of practical jokes at your expense, and while this may be unpleasant and cause you great inconvenience, annoyance, fear or distress, the harasser may not have intended to cause you harm.
Stalking behaviors observed in many domestic violence cases are motivated by the stalker's lack of self-esteem and feelings of powerlessness. Abuser/stalkers attempt to raise their own self-esteem by demeaning and demoralizing those around them. In most cases, they target their former spouses. The exercise of power and control over their victims gives stalkers a sense of power and self-esteem that they otherwise lack. In this way, the victim not only becomes the stalker's source of self-esteem but also becomes the sole source of the stalker's identity. Thus, when victims attempt to remove themselves from such controlling situations, stalkers often feel that their power and self-worth have been taken from them. In such cases, stalkers will often take drastic steps to restore personal self-esteem. It is when stalkers reach this desperate level that they may feel they have "nothing to lose" and become most volatile. This dynamic makes simple obsession stalkers dangerous, as individuals and as a group and in the most likely category of stalking, this may result in murder.
In this category, stalkers and victims are casual acquaintances (neighbors, co-workers) or even complete strangers (fan/celebrity). Primarily, stalkers in this category seek to establish a personal relationship with the object of their obsession--contrary to the wishes of their victims.
Love obsession stalkers tend to have low self-esteem and often target victims who they perceive to have exceptional qualities and high social standing. These stalkers seek to raise their own self-esteem by associating with those whom they hold in high regard.
During harassment, the stalker is attempting to either seduce or intimidate the victim into compliance. The stalker has now crossed the line from observation of to interaction with the victim. In the beginning, the stalker may attempt to be attentive, charming or even romantic. The stalker remains congenial as long as the victim responds favorably. However, if the victim rebuffs or ignores the stalker's attempts at courtship and/or control, a more negative campaign of harassment may result.
It is common for the harasser to claim that you are harassing him or her, but if you aren't contacting the person, it is clear that you aren't the harasser.
Oh and for the record, I don't need to be fed anything. I'm quite capable of doing my own research and thinking for myself.
Ginger thanks for the compliment-I think. :-)
I KNOW she won't apologize, she doesn't believe she did anything wrong. That's the way most stalkers/harassers think. On the whole, she just has very low self worth, self esteem and seeks to validate herself by these actions. Call it narcicissism, call it crazy, call it whatever the hell you want. I call it wrong!
ooopss *narcissism LOL
Ginger wrote:
I too wonder who is feeding Roses her information. Or else, I hope Roses that you have or intend to get a law degree, because there you have serious talent in research.
- - - - - - - -
I don't wonder where roses is getting her information, I know exactly where it's coming from. The research is simple, as well, especially when people feed you links and lead you to information.
As for apologies...if I were to be given some sincere apologies for the things that my family has had inflicted upon them over the past several months, I would have no problem addressing apologies myself. I don't see that happening.
roses........I am entirely lost with your points here, as I have done nothing even remotely like the situations expressed in your most recent post (which is like comparing apples to peas), but can you explain and address my questions posted above in a prior comment? (bolding emphasis so that perhaps you won't continue to ignore direct questions)
What do you think of someone riding their horse across private property and along a back fence line next to someone's home in order to spy on them? (something I have never done)
What do you think of someone contacting public agencies, such as CPS, and making false reports in an effort to harass an individual's family? (something I have never done)
What do you think about calling someone's mother in order to harass her about what her daughter has been doing online? (something I have never done)
Can you answer these and the other questions, please?
For the record ~ the stalking committed against myself and my family was done in real life and not on the internet by the parties in question.
roses... with all due respect, you really need to drop this as per the request of the one who is in contact with BnB and her mother on an almost daily basis and knows the situation from the inside... which you do not. None of this rehashing/re-investigating is helping - but she is.
And SFTS - you need to drop it, too... let HnH deal with it as you agreed....
FF...my posts are not about "she who shall not be named", they are about roses and her campaign of harassment and attempted defamation against me. I want her to answer simple questions, some entirely hypothetically.
I understand your point, as I always did on the FSH forum as well. However I will not allow libelous information and attempted defamation to stand unchallenged.
Absolutely I would love for HnH to succeed in what she is doing and I wish her all the best. I think she can have a lasting impact on a fragile young life that will change things for the better.
In addition to your request (and that made of Dena by HnH on the Wench blog the other day), I believe JR has repeatedly requested that the unnamed individual be left OFF this blog, to no avail. Dena it seems at least may be complying, though who knows how long that might last. WST and roses seem to have no intention of doing so.
Miss Roses, nice try. Really. And do mean that in the most sincere and genuine way possible.
See, SFTS has suddenly been asking a few people for appologies recently. For whatever reasons, I do not understand, because it appears none of them have anything to appologize for. Not to her, nor anyone else. Yet she is the one who should be granting their wishes? I should hardly think so.
Ms. Nichols, and yes I choose to leave your child and husband otherwise out of things at this point, none of us wish to "usher you off to jail" as you put it, nor do we need to.
Your past record and the current trend of your behavior will surely land you where you belong. Whichever side of the bars that may be, is not up to me to decide.
The dates for either post do indeed bear relevance as it proves this has been ongoing for some time. This is/was apparent when I read your words as posted on the web in various forums and blog comments. Yes I did read the other comments on the yahoo group- CHDH, and I was truly sickened that you were not the only one with this mindset. The fact that none of the other posters called you on your actions, makes them really no better than you. As it is, they may not have agreed, but the fact that they did nothing to stop it nor spoke up about it, makes them no less guilty if only by association.
The statement that you made about 'calling off the dogs' if the family accepted your help, is a grand display of your psychotic nature. If your "help" was so needed, why would you need to chase, stalk, strongly coerce and/or otherwise nearly force someone into accepting it?
When Dena called you psychotic, I chuckled to myself as you went off on her over it. No offense intended Dena, (if you are still reading) but with any tendancies or behaviors, aren't those who either deal/dealt with it or have experienced it firsthand, the ones likely to spot the same patterns in others first? Dena has admitted hers, dealt with it and moved on. Go ahead Ms. Nichols and dispute it with me, you have to recognize or admit to your problem before you can address it or get help.
For this being such a "Shitfest" as you have called it, you just can't seem to get enough, can you? Posting away, bitching and moaning, throwing the victim card, pointing fingers, shifting the blame, woe is me and all of that.
I have asked if you knew how to stop all of that before. Either you know or you don't. Ginger gave you a clue in one of her posts. Yes dear, people are talking about you, but not in a good way or for the right reasons. Only you can do something to change that.
Communication fail again, WST. By the way, how decidedly cowardly to continue to post anonymously behind your veil of secrecy.
At least I have the strength of my convictions to stand behind what I say. Funny...but even Dena has of late been making a point of how "chickenshit" anonymous attacks are. That made me smile. :)
"Chase, stalk, strongly coerce, force?" WTF are you smoking? This was done where, again? Must be some good stuff, for you to have gotten so inebriated as to make up such drivel.
Let's review, since your comprehension skills are still so lacking ~ the referred to incident took place in early February. No mention of such whatsoever from me took place between that time and now unless my name was dragged into these cat fights by other, third parties.
Fig no offense but your information is again incorrect.
You have no idea who is or is not in contact with the other parties or how often.
I get that you are not trying to stir shit.
In fact, I would say the opposite is true.
But roses has more authority in this situation than you could possibly know. As does WST.
And others.
I find it interesting that the only thing SFTS addressed from the info presented is her version that the conviction was overturned.
Dena, the question is, what business of yours is any of this? You live in Minnesota, I live in California. You are not offering anything other than more shit slung online, even though you have repeatedly stated that you were "done", that you were going to turn over a new leaf, etc etc etc.
At least HnH (mentioned only because FF brought her up) really is trying to help. Unlike you, who only serves to stir more shit, just like your parrots.
>>> "I find it interesting that the only thing SFTS addressed from the info presented is her version that the conviction was overturned." <<<
Nothing all that interesting about posting facts, Dena. Or do facts bother you that much? And Dena? It's not *my* version of anything. It's the truth...but I know how much you hate truth.
Just to clarify I know who WST is. As do many others.
It chuckles me to the core of my being that anyone would ever refer to WST as chickenshit.
I certainly never would.
As to the psycho reference? I specifically called schizodefective.
And some people wonder why their popularity is on par with a case of crabs.
Anyone who continually chooses to attack another, particularly spreading lies and attempting to defame, when unknown to the individual they are lying about and perpetuating the defamation against, are indeed not only anonymous, but in my book a chickenshit. Good for you that you know who they are. Frankly, you being acquainted with such a person does not surprise me in the least.
So Dena, does your offer to provide me with everything my detractors have given to you still stand? Or was that more of you talking out of your ass, as I suspected all along?
Btw, nice way to treat those who expressed genuine concern for you when you posted your suicidal-sounding comment last night, as CCC, fernvalley and Ginger all did. We have seen how you treat your friends, firsthand.
I don't know who anyone is, for the record. Other than Dena, I guess, who posts with her real name.
Anyway, JR has asked us to move on, which I think at this point is a good idea. See you guys on some other threads!
roses shall you tell this individual that of course she will receive copies of everything.
When she goes to trial. Or shall I?
It is necessary that she be provided copies.
As it is labeled "Discovery."
It's not hard to find out who I am, LOL. I have been named here by several people...Dena, roses and WST have all taken to using my given name as opposed to my screen name. Funny, but I was lectured on how that was "bad interwebz etiquette", but whatever.
Want to get away from the fighting, come on over to my blog. ;) It's not allowed there, just good camaraderie and talking about our beloved horses. It's too bad more people don't remember them.
Dena........your silly threats of a trial don't scare me.
Enough is enough already.
I thought for sure you would have this worked out already. Time to move on to something new. If you feel the need to continue, take it to email. This is going nowhere and probably never will.
Don't make me stop the Internet!
You can always moderate comments, JR. :P
*runs away*
I find it amazingly sad that, even when presented with detailed facts about what her actions really are and the fact that I could at my fingertips produce page upon page of examples that fit such criteria as that pertaining to stalking and harassment, she still thikns she has nothing to be sorry for and nothing to worry about.
I thought maybe if I just outlined what your actions are described as in regards to legal definition, maybe, just maybe you would see the light. I do find however, that those that are blind, will never see the light, no matter how glaringly bright it is.
the reality of it is, I should not have to moderate as you are grownups and should know right from wrong and be able to work out your differences without all of the bullshit.
roses.....ONCE AGAIN it has come to the point where JR has said ENOUGH.
When will you finally get it?
He said "take it to email". My email address is in my profile.
You are right, JR, about supposed adults and the seeming inability to work things out.
Here's the thing...I leave this thread (dubbed the "vomit thread"), they will follow me to whatever thread I post on, wherever I post. Hence why I have the comments on my blog moderated. Even if I ignore them and continue to ignore them, they will then feed of my lack of defending myself against their attacks.
I am damned if I do, damned if I don't. What do you suggest?
whether or not there is any truth to any of this I have no idea. If it were me I would ignore it and keep my personal life to myself. The problem with becoming defensive is it adds credence to what they say.
That's the way I see it!
To set the record straight, I was never concerned that Dena meant herself harm.
I understood what she was getting at.
I shall try that in the future, JR. Duly noted.
CCC...Ginger expressed sincere concern for Dena's health and welfare, and was essentially shit on for doing so. But I'm glad you understood her point, even if most of us did not.
>>Fig no offense but your information is again incorrect.
You have no idea who is or is not in contact with the other parties or how often.<<
Dena - to be honest... some of your investigative info has often been less than accurate...
I have paid attention to the whole mess as it played out in real time over the months - not just months later when it has been seized upon to suit a purpose. You were politely asked to back off less things get more messed up - and the same goes for everyone else. I know, I know - you are using it to go after SFTS - would you care as much if someone you did not "know" and did not have a grudge against was involved? Would you have given said minor a second look? I doubt it.
If you all were as concerned about this minor as you claim to be - you would leave it alone. For her sake.
Honour JR's request to not bring it up. Honour HnH's request to drop it as she has been involved and knows the situation... and has made overtures to help where none of you have or will. None of you have "authority" over any of this.
Or ignore all that and simply use it to go after SFTS - and continue to drag a minor into your "fight" and use her as a tool. If you want to shred SFTS - go ahead - but why involve that minor you are supposedly so concerned about?
If this was your kid - would you want complete strangers hundreds/thousands of miles away getting involved at this point and thinking they have the right to? I doubt it.
And as JR said not to bring said minor up - which one cannot do while discussing this matter.... and someone else keeps reminding me to ignore these displays... I will leave you to disregard all the wishes of others (including those involved in the situation at the present time) and carry on as you feel you are entitled to - without caring about or considering any potential fallout.
And no - I am not trying to stir the pot - I am actually trying to unstir it.... pour the contents into a zip-loc bag and put them in the freezer.
Moving on... as JR has again requested... and yet so many of you simply flip him off about that and continue to say whatever the hell you please....
You know, i keep coming back to this post in the silly hope that it will have magically resolved.
That given a place to air all the resentment and ire , the battling parties will find some common ground . Does that make me silly and naive? probably , but I will continue to hope and believe in the inherent goodness in people and that people can find a common thread and a healthy solution .
Again remember horses? they are supposed to be what we all do have in common. Meanwhile do whatever, this is making me a little tired and heartsick.
There is a lot of good in this world , do yourselves a favor and search that!
Yeah CCC, me neither. In fact when I read her post I busted up laughing.
And the following had coffee spewing out of my nose!! LOL
"And some people wonder why their popularity is on par with a case of crabs."
Go ahead SFTS, GO AWAY! Please go away. You have your own blog, now go pontificate to whomever wiggles up your ass. That is, of course, if they can stand your particular brand of condescension.
Oh BTW...I didn't know that you wrote a book. Campbell's Chicken Soup for Wanna Be Horse Trainer's?? Or was it titled Rag Mag: Story of My Life in Court Records?? Either way, I missed it. Good thing you were nice enough to give us some (rather lengthy) excerpts, kinda like Cliff Notes.
>>There is a lot of good in this world , do yourselves a favor and search that!<<
Exactly right, FV. As I said in an earlier post - if all this energy spent fighting, name-calling, sneering, investigating and pointing fingers was channeled in a different direction - only good could come of it....
What should have made everybody sick and didn't, was the way that minor was treated! And as I have gone over the threads and the "thousands" of posts, I sure as hell didn't see too many people coming to her defense. I seen people in a mad dash of glee, skewer a child for her ignorance and pride. Until it was brought up that it could have ramifications legally, everyone was all too happy to join in the fray.
And those of you that are telling me to stay out of it, that I have no idea what is going on?? Better check yourself, because you have no idea who I talk to or who talks to me. And I would be stupid to name those folks, as it might be detrimental to any legal proceedings that may or may not be in the works.
Fernvalley, did I ever thank you for coming on over to my blog to comment? If not, thanks, it was appreciated. :)
Shortly I will have lessons starting and have to take off in order to get the rest of the horses worked for the day, when it cools off. We have one of our High Point Series shows this coming weekend and I am embarking on my new adventure with a client's gorgeous yearling Palomino filly ~ Longeline. I blogged about it, this really is a whole new world for me!
How did your show go last weekend, FF? I have been looking forward to hearing about it!
flying fig said...
>>There is a lot of good in this world , do yourselves a favor and search that!<<
Exactly right, FV. As I said in an earlier post - if all this energy spent fighting, name-calling, sneering, investigating and pointing fingers was channeled in a different direction - only good could come of it....
And that's exactly what I'm after...GOOD. I can't believe some of you don't realize what a horrible thing this is. It was evil pure and simple. Standing up for those who cannot defend themselves??? Or being one of the people that just turns away and says "Oh well, not my problem."? I, for one, won't sweep it under the rug and just "get over it".
And I think it's a shame that some of you just want this to go away. You wouldn't be of that mind if it were your child. Just remember that.
Then THIS is NOT the pace to be bringing it up and using it as a tool, roses. Let alone dropping hints about legal this and legal that. This is not a game that you seem to be enjoying playing.
If you truly gave a shit - you would leave this matter off the forums/blogs for the sake of said minor.
Or- blather on and use her as you please.
I'm done.
Have any upcoming show plans, flying fig? I still would love to hear how your show last weekend went. Show reports are always terrific! :) Maybe on the newer blog topic? That might be a good place to migrate to.
Roses, your heart is in the right place, but you are obsessing on this. It seems doubtful that posting here about this case will help the young girl. I don't think anyone involved wants the case in question to go away, I think they want this THREAD to go away (I know, I am not helping). At this point, we have all heard accusations and counter-accusations, clearly there's an issue, and it is being addressed by many people here privately, even you, it seems, since you know a lot about it.
You have a lot of great energy and caring. Have you ever thought about volunteering for CASA, the child advocacy group that represents children caught in court cases? They always need volunteers.
Your passion and abilities would well serve a young person in need.
Well said about the light Miss Roses. Well said.
JR- I will honor your request and not mention the legal issues anymore. However if miss thang would like to continue taking shots at me as she has done to myself and others previously, I will not promise you anything more than I will try not to swear.
SFTS- if calling me chickenshit makes you feel any better- knock yourself out. Sounds like there may be others who would gladly help you in your endeavor to uncounciousness. Who am I to stop you? Does it make you feel any better? Bigger? More mature perhaps?
You just couldn't spin around there to shift the blame and point fingers there could you? I'm fine with that, as there are always three other fingers pointing back at yourself. That is within your nature to do so as we have all noticed.
I could lay my life out on the 'net for all to see and share. But unlike you, I choose not to do that. I cherish the degree of privacy I have allowed for myself, as there are people out there like yourself and worse, who know no limits when it comes to how far they will push the envelope.
Even if I were to lay it all out there, it might rather be perceived as boring. No major lawsuits, no torrid affairs, no evictions, no suspensions. Everyone may be more inclined to watch grass grow or paint dry. Not that exciting, I can assure you.
Part of the reasoning behind that is because I have learned to make better choices in life. How I present myself, the people I allow into my life, how much I retain, how much I give away and how those around me can affect my well being and what happens. It's ok, I don't expect you to understand any of that. The others here will, or they won't and those important to me already do.
You ask for moderation, yet seeing as how you have, can and do moderate your own blog, why should you have to worry about how things are handled here? Is it because this blog was set up because of you and Dena? Is it because up until yesterdays new post- every post has been in some way about you? You are free to leave at any time, just as the rest of us are free to do so as well. Things may actually quiet down here if you did. Imagine that?
You're still waiting for answers and apologies? Madame, I fear they will never come for you. Some of them, even if they did, you would likely not be able to recognise them.
And since I am not allowed to post on your blog, not that I care or it matters, if the material you are using is out of date and still confusing enough that others question it now, some how many years later, it should tell you that it may not have made much sense then and has not improved with age. It is not wine, instead only a barrel full of sour grapes.
Wow...this is hysterical. Not in the funny way either.
Fig please do shut up. Seriously. You are unknowingly making an ass of yourself.
I think roses has had more contact with the parties than HnH.
And just because I know you will redirect because you always do. I have had more direct communication and contact with the parties.
And for the record it irritates the shit out of them that they are constantly referred to as in need of help.
Call it support. Call it offering friendship.
But for fucks sake stop calling it help.
Seems to me they got along well enough before all of the offers of help.
Just sayin.
And roses is correct. An example must be made.
SFTS is a menace to society. That is pretty simple.
As she cannot take on the big girls and win it stands to reason that she will continue with more vulnerable prey.
As she has never truly stopped despite being ordered by a court to do so.
What I find amusing is that she fails to understand a basic difference between herself and others.
She volunteered her information. Whereas, the victims were "exposed."
If SFTS wishes to show the world her ass that is her call.
Attempting to extort, blackmail, and cause harm based on false information is a whole other bag of tricks.
With a whole different set of consequences.
And SFTS can't you wave to the crowd from your blog?
And chat with your friends there?
Forget I asked. I already know you won't go until you are forced.
And JR didn't say I couldn't post whatever I want and he didn't say I could.
I don't really need for him to as I am an adult and I do know what I can and what I can't.
And exactly out of respect I would not jeopardize his blog by crossing the legal lines.
You know roses I just got done working the heifer, the yellow horse, and the mule.
I must say mules are done much injustice by comparisons.
I would say my mule has about 40 IQ points on SFTS and a much greater sense of self-preservation.
I couln't have said it better my self, so I won't!
>>Fig please do shut up. Seriously. You are unknowingly making an ass of yourself.<<
I lied. One last comment.
I am not making an ass of my self, unknowingly or otherwise. I do not need to know all your super double secret info and contacts to find it opportunistic (extremely so) of some of you to be using this minor and this episode to go after SFTS under the guise of caring... while taking delight in spewing it all over the blogs as a form of entertainment. There is a MINOR involved - how many times does that need to be said? This is not a game. This is not just a tool you can use as you please. Those who have decided to get invested in this now are not helping anything with the gleeful name-calling, sniping, rhetoric and hyperbole and spreading it across assorted blogs.... that would be detrimental to any actual legal matter and not weigh in your favour by way of presentation... but whatever. Apparently you know best. Anyone expressing some valid concerns is simply labelled as ignorant or an ass or assorted expletives - or told to shut up and go away. Not the best way to present your "case".
Please take it to another blog - like Dena's - and off of here as JR requested.
Or he may end up nuking this one blog and the 250-odd comments that go with it. I know I would.
It's hard to go after somebody when they don't run away.
roses do you suppose fig made this many little noises while she viewed the drama unfolding on
Dena, just want you to know that I still think you are a crazy old bat! No swear words or curses were used in this comment. No third parties were mentioned, 'cause as you know Dena, It's all about you.... ..so cackle away...on your way to seek medical attention, of course...
Okay, it's official. A few of you people are humping almonds.
This does not need to be aired on the internet. If there is something going on let it take it's due course. Walk away from this. If any of you are professionals, be it horse trainers, riding instructors, lawyers, accounts what the fuck ever...this does not show any of you in a good light.
Whatever demons you may be battling, real or imaginary...leave it. This could be a masters thesis, or doctoral dissertation for someone in pysch. As it is public domain, anybody heading to graduate school in pysch...have at it. This is a freaken treasure trove.
Riding horses, working with baby horses and giving lessons to eager, talented young students is always such a boost. I highly recommend it to anyone who really needs a pick-me-up. :)
Flying Fig,
Do you have an e-mail address?
SFTS needs psychiatric intervention and fast!
It is amazing what one can and will find when they set their mind to it.
The patterns are especially intriguing.
Profiling with pictures and stats already provided can be more complex because it is easier to be distracted by the physical and tangible of what you think you know.
Profiling with nothing but non-public profiles is so much more complex.
And interesting. In that the the user is in effect dotting and creating the diagram.
Connecting the dots to some extent creates the picture.
Matching the associations is a real eye opener.
Just an interesting to me aside. Food for thought so to speak.
Paranoid Personality Disorder
Distrust and suspicion of others
Believing others are trying to harm you
Emotional detachment
Antisocial aka Sociopathic Personality Disorder
Disregard for others
Persistant lying and/or stealing
Recurring difficulties with the law
Repeatedly violating the rights of others
Aggressive often violent behavior
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Attention seeking
Excessively emotional
Extreme sensitivity to others approval
Excessive concern with appearance
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Believing you are better than others
Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
Exaggerating achievements and/or talents
Failing to recognize others emotions or feelings
Okay, who is HoofKisser.
If everyone will remain seated and keep their body apendages inside the bus, exit in a mannerly fashion, retrieve your luggage from the curb and go back to your own blogs for a while, this will all blow over.
The subject will change and everyone will move on.
Hopefully at least they will...
Maybe just for a little while?
Maybe we should all take a page from Fugly's book.
If you look back at how she handles all of the shit thrown at her by many different folks (including myself) she either makes a brief response or none at all. She then moves on with a new topic. Has pissed me off numerous times but gotta admire the cahunas (phonetically spelled).
Are you trying to tell it to go back to it's cave??
Do I have to go back to my own blog???
Cuz, I don't have one:-( I wonder if that's kinda like being homeless. So does anyone have a bumper pull blog that I can rent??...
LMAO roses, just LMAO!
I went home to my own blog cuz the hostess said to.
Well I don't know if she is the hostess but I do know that she sleeps with the blog owner so I thought it was best to just go.
And as this isn't the Army I guess we know who isn't giving us our walking papers.
rosesr4evr said...
Hoof Kisser said...
My biggest peeve is people driving 100 MPH. You should not be going that fast!
July 29, 2009 12:06 PM
Surely not!?!
Case LU31350SN Defendant 809569
(BTW-word verification was: repod) HEE HEE
To Whom IT may concern. No worries. None. Zero. Zip.
Asking, demanding, or making lots of "little" noises will not cut it.
IT requires a federal subpoena. Nothing less will get the information sought.
CCC- I believe the word you seek is cajones.
Unlike the word 'huevos' used by someone else in reference to a mans testicles. No, Madame, they are not and do not carry eggs.
Yes, that could be it, but we could also tell it straight out and just say she has big-ass balls. LOL!
CCC- that would seriously make someone walk funny!
Roses, you'll have to resort to whatever measures you feel the need to take.
WST- I'm still laughing about the eggs!
And where I said luggage, what I meant to say was baggage.
"cojones" for the record and all.
CNJ, didn't you follow the link?? I wasn't referencing MY case or a current one. Follow the link and you'll get the joke!!
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