I received an email today that states that people need to be nicer to each other on this blog. And that perhaps moderation is in order! Though I prefer that you do not bring 3rd parties that are not involved into your disagreements.
But here is my answer to that......
This blog is called the Gloves are off, and it is going to live up to it's name.
You are all adults here and chose to post here and that is fine. If you have disagreements then you have disagreements. It is not the end of the world when you disagree with someone, is it?
If I am going to have to moderate this blog, then why have a comments section.
So is moderation the answer?
Should I moderate this blog?
Or do you think that we can all agree to disagree?
And not hold personal grudges!
If you don't want your dirty laundry aired, don't bring it up to begin with.
1 – 200 of 284 Newer› Newest»There were times that I wanted to post that the name of this blog was The Gloves are Off for a reason. I did feel that it would be better received coming from the owner of the blog themselves, so I refrained from doing so.
With that being said, literally, the gloves really ARE off!
What a funny email! As in, duh? I thought it was great when you started this blog, and keep the annoying stuff off the places where we could have more serious conversations...I am bummed no more comments on FHOTD. So what is the word on that? Is she ever going to bring them back? Although this is the one getting all the traffic now, huh?
I was worrying I might get kicked off this blog, however, for not being snarky/witchy/nasty/sarcastic (etc,etc, etc) enough...
I promise JR - I'll try harder!
My word verification word was just "boozer..."
And on that note, off to get a beer.
If there is one thing in this world that I can't stand (even more so than being a cruel hypocrit), it is someone who thinks they have the right to attack, demean, and harass a child. I have issues with people that choose to do so. It takes a special kind of deviant to target children.
It is our duty to protect children from those that wish to harm them, especially if the person claiming to try to "help" said child is actually causing more harm than good. You don't try to help someone with malevolent or malicious intent. It really just doesn't work that way.
Continuing to pursue someone after they have refused your attempts at helping them, is stalking! Especially when they have slapped a PERMANENT restraining order against you. Also, once there is a permanent RO in place, continuing to try to engage the victim will end with you being held in contempt of that RO. Threatening bodily harm to a child is reprehensible and shows just how evil some people can be.
What did you think?? That you were somehow going to be held up as an almighty hero for taking down a child. Did you really want your 15 minutes of fame THAT badly? I have seen you time after time posting attacks, striking the match and fanning the flames after things had died down. What is wrong with you that you just can't get over yourself? Did you want people fawning all over you b/c you had succeeded in your quest, patting you on the back for "helping" that poor child?
Considering that your version of helping her was to report her to everyone but Scotland Yard, while hoping that such actions taken by you would have her and her parent put in jail, I would say that's not very helpful.
Now would be a good time to end your witch hunt before it becomes you that is burned at the stake.
I sent Fugs an e-mail right after she stopped the comments, it's pretty, or should I say PETTY, unbelievable. I enjoyed reading alot of the comments, some not so much. Anyway, she told me that the blog is moving to its own domain soon and I for one can't wait and from her e-mail there will be some moderation, which is a good thing because the arguing is ANNOYING. Being a fairly new horse owner I like to learn new things and the way the comments on her blog were headed all I learned was "the more people I meet, the more I like my animals"
This is Kid signing off, sweet dreams.
I do miss my friends and the civil discussions on FHOTD, as many of my friends in RL are not horse people. Their eyes glaze over when I try to discuss horses....JR, I appreciate the fact that you do have this blog. It was great of you to create it. Thanks.
I do not think there is anyway anyone can get kicked off of this blog. Or rather it would tough to be kicked off if this blog!
By the way, I like the word verification you got.
*chugs another beer*
If you thinkl people need to be reminded, feel free!
See what I mean!
You can always learn a lot from JR's other blog.
JR - NO, you should not moderate.
Waaay too much of a headache - and you will only catch shit from those who will just say you are favouring someone else. Or they may find you lacking in personal integrity in some way for doing so.
Stick to your guns.
However, noting that third parties should be kept out of some discussions is a good idea. Setting some parameters like that does not hurt.
I am back from the show to catch up on chores here... clients who are showing ammy will help with chores there tomorrow.
Please bear with me for a minute.
I need to address something that does tie in with moderating a bit...
Back on Friday, a little birdie chirped to me that Dena was singling me out on her blog as she felt that any such discussions/debates between us did not belong here. Which it does... but whatever. So I visited livingbeyondthebream.blogspot.com and responded to her points. Without venom or name-calling - in the same style as my posts have been here. I asked her why she had titled that blog On To Yuku - as she had quoted something Fugs said on the Free Speech board late last year about cutting it loose and leaving it unmoderated - she would no longer be associated with it. That has happened now. But somehow it seemed that Dena might find this worthy of contacting Yuku about. Which is a bit...odd. There are many unmoderated forums out there. On Yuku. On Invision. On a variety of hosts. They do not dissolve into chaos. They do not spiral into spewing insults and hatred. Most welcome the freedom and express themselves without going to extremes.... the gloves are off does not mean all hell breaks loose...
Anyway - I addressed some points that we had already discussed here. And that was it. Nothing remotely incendiary. Or even new and noteworthy.
But in retrospect I was STOOPID to do that. *headdesk*
Because this evening I got a heads-up that Dena had eliminated all her old blog posts and had taken a different direction, shall we say. And on that blog, it says this...
>>I placed all of the previous threads on this blog into draft as a means of narrowing the focus. Not because I have anything to hide.
It is necessary to review all previous comments by others. I did remove one comment thus far.
It was posted by FF.
It was not beyond the realm of imagination that some posters who were, shall we say, discontented by, the loss of commentary on another blog, may have felt, they could cause problems here.<<
Cause problems? No. Nothing I said was like that in any way.... and implying that I had commented there in a flammable style is an outright lie...
Yes, I am "discontented" that the FHoTD comments section is gone - mainly because now it is simply a pre-approved system with no checks and balances.
Anyway, that is what I get for commenting there...
And that - is that.
On to more important stuff...
GL - on the last blog you said the PNW weather was wet and terrible... not in July. :-) Especially this year where we are heading into 90 degree temperatures again and have had only a few drops of rain for many weeks. It might as well be Arizona... and if things get any browner or dryer, it may be. Thunderstorms predicted tonight - with rain, I hope.
rosesr4evr - congratulations on the new house - I am so very jealous!! I hate moving, too - but I think it is an entirely different matter when it is into your first home! An above ground pool and a huge deck, you say??
Hey all, party at roses' place!!!
FF, and PF too:)
Hey, I was making, broad, sweeping generalizations, (which I am annoyingly good at) drawing from many, MANY, PNW previous weather reports.
I'm in temperate frickin' rain forest.
It's been raining, almost every freakin' DAY!!! Mornings are always around 50 degrees unFahrenheit. My flowers are shivering, or water-logged or not blooming worth a crap. Stuff that WAS happy, like my hydrangea, have been battered down by the rain.
My weeds are taller than me. Crops look like shite. Husband is SO glad he isn't farming this year. The corn is like 8 inches high. Hay crops? Oh, they are there, good luck getting them off in this weather.. Vegetable crops are also waterlogged.
Peas are okay, but many've swelled and germinated, before they are picked..
My west coast (Surrey, B.C.) sister has been living through the same drought/heat wave.
Gee, my heart really bleeds for you hot weather guys;)
Jealous, m'kay??
Only good thing is, with the stupid garbage strike, the stink is washed away. Thank goodness I live north of the city.
grumble, grumble, bitch, gnash.
hey, I feel better! Thanks!
scritch some withers for me, y'all.
It's not that I feel anyone needs to be reminded, so much as enlightened.
That is true Roses.
Wasn't there an extended period of time (like a couple of months) that Dena was getting along just fine with everyone?
What the heck happened?
Personally, on my own blog (not that I'm saying you should do this), I would like to put commenters into a sort of Time-Out if they violated the terms of use. I would make it for a week- they can still read the blog and send e-mails to me, but they cannot directly get into an off-topic cat fight during that period of time. That just makes them sit and cool off for a while. And it could be a three strikes (not the ranch, lol) system for individuals- they would be reduced to commenting through e-mails moderated by me (pretty much what Fugs has turned her whole blog into).
I'm all for Free Speech rights and all, but there are some things you don't have the right to say to others.
Oooh, wait!
Those who violate terms of use get sent to Three Strikes Ranch!!!
FF I have grown tired of the same tired arguments posed as questions from you. I also was not impressed with your redirect on my sons rabbit.
I would have thought it would have been abundantly clear that my blog was not the best match for the dyed in the wool fhotd folks.
What happened Random? The same shit that always happens over there.
Random victims and hate crimes. If the FTC and Google consider it worthy perhaps some of the posters, fans, whatever, should stop making excuses.
I am not accusing you of that. I do not recall seeing you there with any regularity for some time now.
Drawing the connection between fshf and fhotd with regard to some of the posters and their ongoing absolutely vicious undermining and attacks on a minor.
Watching fugly creep just a little more in each time.
And the rest push just a little farther.
What so many seem to be missing is this. Somewhere along the way it stopped being just words on the internet.
Somewhere along the way it started being a very real message that it was okay to hate.
You would even receive approval for hate.
And as in all group mentalities of this nature it progressed rather quickly as it became okay to make threats based in hate seeking approval from others.
Some even acted on their threats.
And if some cannot grasp the social and legal ramifications of that?
Well...I doubt I shall ever have the words to help you find understanding for just how wrong what some of you participated in is.
And just so you all know? When someone releases all of a individuals contact information including their address in a public venue where people are known to hate and act from anonymity?
Can any of you grasp the context of Terroristic Threats?
Or, are some still leading with the same tired arguments posed as questions.
The fact that some of you continue with the ridiculous presentation that Cathy Atkinson removed her own comments makes a very good case for establishing how gullible and malleable you are.
Puppets. Nothing more.
And if some of the puppets ever had an original idea that was not based in fugly says it was probably a new and creative way to torment yet another human being.
Some like to make reference or allude to their intelligence with regard to how well read they are.
And list historical figures in reference to current mindsets.
I am going to bypass Hitler as just a little too obvious and misleading.
I would be more inclined to make reference to Stalin.
Blah blah blah blah blah.
Please, Crazy Dena, spare us the 'Ima persuns of jussteece for teh chiiiiildrenssss!' ramblings. You big hypocrite. I don't have to repeat why you are. Half the people on FHotD saw through you in the beginning, and the rest learned soon after how full of spite and petty hatred you were. If I see one more, 'Dena, I'm so disappointed in you,' post, I'm going to hurl.
JR- It's your blog. I myself don't care if it's moderated or not, though as it's a venting blog it should probably remain uncensored. I haven't found this blog's comments to be particularly unkind, but then I've been to YouTube. Compared to here, those commenters are animals.
There are very few places that practice unmoderated free speech on the internet, but moderation also keeps one unstable troll from ruining the experience for everyone else. The message board I referenced previously quickly forgot Mental Cockman and his stalkerish ways, but the administrators were much more cautious after that.
You know...it's kind of difficult to pull a horse trailer when your truck is broken down. But I guess if you need an excuse as to why you missed something important, so be it.
Someone seems to have quite the pattern for trying to get restraining orders on people that need them from her.
The first one, you vs. owners of previous facility ended with this decision:
And the latest one, which ended in a permanent RO AGAINST you while yours was dismissed as having no basis in fact, was decided on May 12th, 2009.
Oh Yeah...
How's the town of Phelan treatin' ya??
Shit, did we all agree in a previous post to ignore the clown? Did I screw it up?
(taken from FSH forum)
quotes SFTS:
"No one, no matter how skilled you may think you are, can help someone with an issue their horse has on the internet. NO ONE."
I find this one especially funny considering all the unsolicited advice on training that you LOVE to dish out, even if no one asked you for your opinion. LOL
Serendipity... unless you want some too, you should shutuppity!
"It may be that you are just a wee bit condescending and snarky in your pleas for her to come to you for help so that you can show her how EVERYTHING she has ever done in life is wrong and ONLY you, IN REAL LIFE, can show her the PROPER way to fix it. You know, because everyone on the board is a piece of shit that knows nothing."
LOL Now that's spot on!
Oh fuck me roses there went the mountain dew all over the keyboard again.RTFOLMAO
And you forgot where the extra speshul horsey trainer said that children are allowed to show stallions in many disciplines and breeds in the good old U S of A.
And could you please post "Dena I am so disappointed in you" just once so I can know that Serendipity is hurling?
Not going to happen.
Unless I get bored.
Are you going to bore me to death? Eleanor Abernathy pulled it off a couple times, but then she had my ADD on her side.
Hi there Roses.
I feel the need to point out a few obvious things there that contradict the quote you posted.
SFTS states that, yet as you noted, offers unsolicited 'help' every chance she gets.
SFTS has also created a training blog to offer even more unsolicited advice.
And lastly, JR has also posted answers to various questions posted by others and I have yet to see anyone post saying it didn't work.
SFTS posts her answer to the problem and every time the OP comes back to state- I tried that, it made things worse.
He obviously can and does help people over the Internet.
Me thinks she's jealous in a Big way.
This little trainer had talent
this little trainer had none
and then the trainer had no talent went wee wee wee all the way home and started to stalk a teenage girl.
<< I also was not impressed with your redirect on my sons rabbit.
I would have thought it would have been abundantly clear that my blog was not the best match for the dyed in the wool fhotd folks. >>
Dena - you deliberately misrepresented what I said.
In context on your blog, you had asked why I was always going over your past or something to that effect. I don't - have I EVER posted the court documents or EVER even referred to any of that in a derogatory way? No. Never. Not once. Nor would I. And yet you suggested that I did. It was not a "redirect". It was directly in response to what you said. I mentioned that rabbit episode as one of the few times I confronted you about something in all that kerfuffle - as you had repeated many times that some crazy FHOTDers were stalking you, trespassing on your property... and had harmed or removed that bunny. You waved that like a banner for a while back then...
Me - a "dyed in the wool" FHOTDer??! *snort*
That just demonstrates that you only see what you want to see - and nothing else matters. You talked to me on your blog - and all but invited me to reply. I guess I should just have nodded and smiled and accepted all your commentary as if it was fact. That is what a sheep would do, after all.
Hate Crimes? Terroristic threats? Incendiary terms that you revel in and love to toss around casually. And yet you repeatedly sidestep requests for examples of said Hate Crimes. You are citing them - you should be able to share those damning and alarming facts. But you can't... because there were none. Referencing Hitler and Stalin... all while patting yourself on the back for whatever your latest action is... you only obfuscate any valid issues you might have had along the way.
>>Somewhere along the way it stopped being just words on the internet.<<
.... very true in your case - and sadly so. IMO your words have turned into a type of obsession. And I am saying this in a kind way... IMO you need to let it go - as you have said you were doing many times.
I doubt that you will - or can - do that, though. So take a different path... start a thread on the Free Speech board... present your concerns in a logical, calm manner. Have a discussion... complain about Cathy (what - you think they do not do that there??!! Look again) all you like. That is better than weaving tangled layers of rhetoric. But do not accuse people of things they never did, or ascribe motives to them that they do not have. Or misrepresent what they said/are saying to suit your purposes. Because then you are only carrying on in a way that you have complained about others doing - and just spinning your wheels in mud of your own making...
FF- You know you're wasting your breath, right?
Ah well, tis after three in the morning, and I need to actually be at the barn at a decent hour. I will see all you lovely people tomorrow, when I will open up with either a dead baby joke or a musical number.
DDV- you now owe me a roll of paper towels and a bottle of cleaner, with which to remove all spewed beverages and food from my monitor and keyboard. <3
DDV- your poem lacks mention of the restraining order, failure to appear for possession of drugs/paraphanalia (sp?) on her hubbys part, and the USEF suspension for passing bad checks and accompanying fines for being on the showgrounds in violation of said suspension...
I can't wait to see how you work these things in as there are still a few piggies unaccounted for.
FF no offense but I begin to suffer severe mego when you post really long posts.
When my eyes don't glaze over and I do manage to retain my focus I get a headache.
I did not say you were a dyed in the wool fhotd fan. I may have implied it.
Because you refuse to let it go.
Sometimes I enjoy what you post.
Was that you with the appy pleasure horse turned rodeo bucker story?
I liked that one.
You see, here is the thing. When I post with regard to fugly? I don't really want to talk about it. I am simply taking a shot or planting a seed.
I do not need to dissect my thoughts on the subject. I already know that I think she is rotten to the core.
I already posted on fwotd where I am at with that and why.
I did not remove your post for any other reason than it was about fhotd and I did not want to read it.
And I did not want others from there that I had a hard enough time tolerating getting the idea that they could tit for tat me.
It really is that simple and uncomplex. Kind of like I used to be.
Oh and I do not know what obfuscate means. So I am afraid whatever your point I have failed yet again to grasp it because you lost me with obfuscate.
Had to delete and have a do-over cuz Blogger will not let you edit or fix mistakes after the fact.... Grrrrrrr.
>>FF- You know you're wasting your breath, right?<<
Oh well. It is my breath to waste tonight. Not that it is easy to breathe in here with all the potkettleblacking so thick in the air... time for some fresh air. :-)
Dena - the dictionary is your friend. ;-)
ob·fus·cate (bf-skt, b-fskt)
tr.v. ob·fus·cat·ed, ob·fus·cat·ing, ob·fus·cates
1. To make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or understand: "A great effort was made . . . to obscure or obfuscate the truth" (Robert Conquest).
2. To render indistinct or dim; darken: The fog obfuscated the shore.
You must want to talk about Fugly... you do it All. The. Time. Even to the point of threatening those who may *gasp* have differing viewpoints. Only now you have turned your attentions to SFTS.
I occasionally post really long posts instead of posting many times in a row - as others do. I rarely exceed the Blogger character limit - so it cannot be that bad....
>>I did not remove your post for any other reason than it was about fhotd and I did not want to read it.<<
But you did read it... why did you imply/suggest/lie that it was flammable? Just for effect? Not cool. And it was only about FHOTD as that is what you were referring to... so duh...no surprise there...
BTW - technically, you cannot suffer mego. Mego is the long, dull speech or technical article... not how it makes you feel... ;-)
FF you are flammable. And thank you for sharing the definition.
May I replace mego with obfuscate?
Because that is exactly how I feel when you pontificate.
I cannot hold on to or grasp whatever point you are trying to make because you obfuscate so thoroughly that which is your point.
I am a very longtime lurker on FHOTD and now on TGAO. I registered this handle simply to post a couple of thoughts about the whole Dena/SFTS mess, since FHOTD doesn't have comments anymore. I have never posted on FHOTD or anywhere else, I am not an alter or a sock puppet. Although I don't care if you think I am. :)
SFTS, please, please, please stop responding to Dena's posts. Screen-cap everything she writes, screen-cap her website pages, and use her own definition of "hate speech" against her. Send everything to Blogger or Google or whomever. If nobody engages her, here or on her own unstable turf, she will probably escalate into a hot mess and then, with a lack of attention, she will go find targets elsewhere. Hopefully with some Haldol on board.
Dena, for someone so concerned about the welfare of minors, I would think you'd worry more about the six children you had taken from you by the state, how are their lives affected by YOU?. Spend some time becoming sober and getting off drugs, you might use your enormous anger for a good cause instead. Your single-mindedness in pursuing Fugly and SFTS could so easily be applied to helping actual human beings in real life, instead of trying to take them down online.
How I saw the "events" of previously (so as not to name names): SFTS noticed that laws were being broken locally (the hawks and rooster fights, abusive training techniques, etc). She actually took action to try to fix something she thought was wrong. The local authorities were not interested. Then the object of the actions played the legal card.
IMHO I'd rather have tried to change a situation I thought was wrong than stood by as it got worse. The legal implications are always something to keep in mind.
This cannot end well if things continue as they are.
I've got to get something off my chest. Feel free to challenge or support my position.
I am so sick of the conformation sections on horse forums. It seems like some of the most outspoken and *expert* posters make some of the most outrageous conformation critiques and point out *faults* based on photos. Hell, I could stand with one leg totally turned out at the hip for photo purposes, but it doesn't mean I walk like that in everyday life.
That's a tough one, JR.
No moderation is fine for most individuals, until you get one or two people who harbor and spew vitriol and may cause you to become accountable for their libel, defamation and harassment. This is what Dena accuses Cathy Atkinson of, and others (if the comments are left unchecked) may see it the same, if she is allowed to constantly run loose, unleashing her vapid rantings on this blog.
But the fact is, Dena will NEVER agree to disagree and she seems to have a real issue with holding grudges, sometimes for illusory wrongs which she invents in her own mind. Therefore, perhaps some moderation may be a good thing.
rosesr4evr, the garbage Dena is reposting from the FSH forum (which everyone has free access to) happened five months ago. You have NO idea what you are talking about, just parroting what Dena says because apparently you hold her up as some sort of hero. Have you actually read the thread she is pulling all those quotes from and the days/times they were posted? Did you not figure out that it was all over and done MONTHS ago?
You need not concern yourself with me and with my life ~ I am not worried in the least with being "burned at the stake". But thanks for your concern.
FlyingFig, Dena will get nowhere with Yuku, anymore than she will with Blogger. However we can allow her to believe that she is solely responsible for the comments being removed for the time being from FHOTD, if it makes her feel better.
I was actually oddly amused that she must preface her actions with that "I am being persecuted" rant as the reasoning she is now moderating comments, and why she removed all her other hate blog posts. From her past and all of our experiences with her over the last several months, we know she has a propensity to lie and is delusional. You should know that well enough by now.
RandomBucknellian, "What the heck happened" is that Dena Rodacker is an extremely disturbed individual and has a tendency to snap at the slightest thing.
I agree with your method of moderation on your blog. Mine is set up the same, as well ~ troublemakers will be deleted and I will have no problem or hesitation in moderating comments, because it's all about the horses and learning from each other about them.
Serendipity, yes we did, and you slipped up, but that's okay. ;) We all do at times, Crazy Dena is sometimes too much of a train wreck to ignore. Happens to the best of us.
Who Said That? and the alter DillanDVillan are not worth wasting my time on. They are quickly becoming parrots for Crazy Dena as well, and have no concept of what is going on/has gone on nor of the truth...though seem to have an unparalleled (except maybe by Crazy Dena herself) obsession with my life.
Now THAT's creepy.
Bones (is it okay if I call you that? lol), in so many ways I agree with that. Because a lot of folks have no idea about conformation, yet set themselves out as confo experts.
One more..."catpoop_sez_enuff", I admit to having LOL'ed at your SN. My daughter is still getting a kick out of it!!
I agree with you, which is why I will not engage Dena directly any longer.
However, that said, as Dena claims to be so concerned about children, has she pondered what effect her lunatic ravings, lies and bullshit slinging are having on my child when she reads them?? Lying about me, about my husband and about my family, about my life, etc ~ not cool, especially when my own daughter tends to be here next to me when I read things online. We like to go over horse forums and talk about training issues, bloodlines, all things horse when we have a chance to do so. Then she must see Dena spreading malicious nonsense. I daresay Dena herself would be livid if those tables were turned. But of course, with Dena it's always "do as I say and not as I do", the infamous pot calling the kettle black and all that. She allows herself to do exactly what she crucifies others for doing (whether they have actually done so or not).
She will go after any convenient target..That said, I'm done poking at her..the fun has gone out of it, for the time being. But, she still reminds me of the Glenn Close character in Fatal Attraction! GAH....
Bones (is it okay if I call you that? lol), in so many ways I agree with that. Because a lot of folks have no idea about conformation, yet set themselves out as confo experts.
Of course you may...I think by now we are on a 1st name basis. lol
SFTS- as much as I find DDV humorous, no, not an alter ego. Is that you standard answer? Seems to be so. If anyone agrees and your views differ- suddenly they are all alter egos and you toss the victim card again.
The whole 'stalking a child' case you brought on yourself. Maybe you could have helped her, but the way you went after her and posted 'dibs' on one of her horses shows you have no tact and know no sense of self restraint when it comes to getting your way. Lord help anyone who gets in your way, as you have certainly displayed that you shall go to great lengths to destroy someones character or credibility- the very same thing you accuse others of. Yet if anyone witholds every aspect of their personal life you call them chickenshit. How immature is that? So we are all supposed to air our dirty laundry as well? Sorry, mine has all been washed.
The whole 'dibs' reference and threatening to hit her and her horse with your truck? Can you say you would feel comfortable not going to great lengths to protect your own daughter from another who posts such things? Why would you need to call 'dibs' on a horse that was posted online for sale? Wouldn't it have been easier to just go buy it?
Oh that's right, you haven't the money to pay your fines or clear up the suspension for yourself, your farm or your horses from nearly three years ago. So this must be the cheap and easy route to acquiring the horse. One would think if you had money to pay 'the hired help' you claim to have, it would be wiser to forgo the help and pay the fines so that you might return to the ring.
Truth be told, it was likely you asking that this blog be moderated. Doesn't sound like that is going to happen, which surely chaps your hide. You apparently have no problem with censorship as long as it applies to others. Tell me please, are you asking for moderation and sensorship because you are often the focus here? You know how to change that, right?
As far as my posts about you being an obsession as you claim? Not hardly. Don't flatter yourself. Jealousy is not a good look for you.
Who Said That?, you seem to have a real problem with reading comprehension.
I did not call DDV your alter. They stated themselves that such was a new identity and not the one they had used on FHOTD. It was a statement of fact which did not come from me.
That entire, silly "dibs" comment was made on a small, private email group which consists of a few friends from our local area and was meant tongue in cheek. Take things out of context much?
People are only chickenshit in my book if they don't have the conviction of their beliefs to stand behind their words before assaulting someone online. Anonymous attacks have zero credibility. Your "dirty laundry" has been washed? Then why are you afraid to tell the world who you are? That speaks volumes about you.
I never, ever, ANYWHERE threatened to hit her or anyone else with my truck. Where in the Hell did that reference come from, anyhow? I dare anyone to prove I said that, anywhere, at any time. Do you blindly believe what Dena posts so much that you never even bother to check the facts for yourself? Or are you simply not interested in being inconvenienced with the truth?
It was also not I who requested moderation on this blog, though I knew somehow that bitter, petulant individuals such as yourself would twist my post in such a manner as to suggest such a thing.
If you are not obsessed with me and with my life then why do you spent so much time posting comments directed at me and obsessing over me, over my business, my clients, my students, my family and my life?
Believe me, I could never be jealous of someone so petty and angry as you are.
My comment on SFTS'S blog just got deleted because I disagreed with her. Not in a mean of confrontational manner. What a bitch!
I guess if you are going to have a training blog, people may not always agree with you and you have to deal with it and keep an open mind.
Guess I wont go back to Laying the Foundation!
Hey my word verfication was Mamagram!
BittieBonnie, in my very first post I requested that folks on my blog always remain absolutely respectful and not snipey or snarky. Your comment was deleted because of it's tone. I also posted a comment explaining that before you reposted.
If you will notice, your second comment remains, and I posted a comment in response.
Please, by all means, do not bother to come to my blog to start shit. That is not the place for it and you will be deleted if you cannot post in a rational, non-snarky, non-confrontational manner...which is precisely why your comment was removed.
Before posting somewhere, I urge folks to read the rules, terms and conditions of posting there. When it's spelled out precisely, don't break the rules. Very simple. :) I want to keep that blog free from all the pissing matches and angst that pervades many blogs.
>>FF you are flammable. And thank you for sharing the definition.
May I replace mego with obfuscate?
Because that is exactly how I feel when you pontificate.
I cannot hold on to or grasp whatever point you are trying to make because you obfuscate so thoroughly that which is your point.<<
Once again - you're back to pointing fingers. I said nothing flammable. I may tend to pontificate at times (heee!) but I am always very clear, direct and to the point (maybe too much so at times) - never wrapped in layers of gauzy, rambling rhetoric, allegations, suppositions and threats.
As far as the current fight with SFTS goes - that initial crap was hashed out months ago..... the person involved is still technically a minor and still posts at the message board - so is it really a good idea to drag her name into another pissing match? I do not think so. And that is all I am going to say on that subject...
GL - I like the cloudy, soft drizzle days here. I could go for about a week of them now. It rained very briefly last night - barely enough to settle the dust -and now the temps are climbing into the stratosphere again.
Waaay too hot for me. JR - I could never handle Arizona. Dry heat or not.
I grew up in Montreal and am quite happy not going through that kind of winter snow any more. But then, a mere skiff of it here turns the entire area into a towing company's dream... Puget Sounders simply cannot drive in the stuff.
I'll take the rain... and all the green... (once it gets that way again) any time... :-)
I was not snarky, I was merely stating a fact and did not agree with you, so you deleted me. I have been around for a long time and I know a lot of Hall of Fame trainers(of which you will never be) and just a lot of trainers in general.
To delete someones post because they are disagreeing with you, says little of your character.
You have posted on JRs blog and tried to contradict what he has said and you were not deleted. That says a lot for his character!
Apparently SFTS, like DillanDVillan said, you could learn a lot from him!
Here's the musical number I promised: Play him off, Keyboard Cat.
If I ever get a video of a certain person fleeing from a police station, I'll do my own version.
Remember Flying Fig, -I- am the only person she implied a threat of physical violence against. (Hah, let's see you beat that, SFTS! Yeah!)
Okay, I'll try not to slip up again.
It iw way too hot here for us as well. We really want sell this place and move to a better climate. I will take the cold over this crap any day of the week.
It is just a matter of findnig a place to go.
BittieBonnie, it was your "just sayin" parting comment that I found uncalled for. When you reposted, you said essentially the same thing and your comment has remained. As it is my blog, I will moderate how I see fit. No one has to come to my blog or participate in it. If you find my manner of moderation offensive, by all means, stay away.
Disagreements are fine ~ however they must be in my view respectful, or they will not remain on my blog.
I have not contradicted JR whatsoever, though on some issues we have a different view. Different views and perspectives are fine. Getting snarky, on my blog, is not. By the way, I would have no problem whatsoever if JR chose to delete any comment I have ever made. That is his choice, as it is his blog.
I will not delete anyone as that is not my way. I have people that do not agree with me and it does not bother me at all. I have also been called an asshole amongst other things and I take those as a compiment. If you want to be 'snarky' then so be it. I do prefer however, that you keep the foul language here rather than in the 'Hood'. Unless of course I start it over there.
Serendipity wrote:
(Hah, let's see you beat that, SFTS! Yeah!)
- - - - - - - -
LOL!! :P
JohnieRotten wrote:
I do prefer however, that you keep the foul language here rather than in the 'Hood'. Unless of course I start it over there.
- - - - - - - -
That made me LOL as well! ;)
We all each have out differing perspectives on how to handle and train our horses, as well as how to administer our respective blogs. What I don't understand is why folks cannot respect those differences and feel the need to make an issue or start shit over it. Oooops, I used profanity. My bad.
Hey JR did you know that the longer the shank on the bit the harsher the bit?
I guess the author of that little bit of nonsense has never seen one of those elongated triangle shank snaffle bits that provided almost zero control that so many Arabian officiandos rode in until about 10 years ago.
I guess the great guru does not know the rule about the shorter the shank the quicker the effect on the poor ponies mouth.
But considering the expert also said children may show stallions in many different disciplines and breed shows I guess we should just consider the source.
I guess the great guru does not understand many basic concepts.
If it isn't your's don't touch it without permission.
And ohhhh somebody was so upset to be linked with the great guru.
Well they should have thought about her great propensity for C&P before that.
Too bad...
And cat poop talks these days? Good Lord.
Serendipity there were a whole lot of if's in my supposed threat to you.
The most major one being that if you ever said to my face.
As anyone with experience with you should be able to fathom you are a coward I think your teeth are safe from that trip through your intestines based on that alone.
Provided you had them to begin with.
For all I know you could be one of those National Forest dwelling trailer owning individuals that your state has so many of.
Your version of a co-op could very well be a chicken coop minus the hyphen.
For all any of us know you could be Grandma Moses or a 12 year old child.
With apologies to Serendipity, Drsgjunky and others for toying with the troll...
I guess the great guru does not know the rule about the shorter the shank the quicker the effect on the poor ponies mouth.
- - - - - - - -
LMAO!! Oh, my sides.
But considering the expert also said children may show stallions in many different disciplines and breed shows I guess we should just consider the source.
- - - - - - - -
What was that about being an "expert" on the Arabian show ring? I'm still LMAOing at this one ^ above!
As for the rest of the nonsensical drivel? Yep, microwave brand of crazy!
I guess deleting someones post is a lot easier than copy,paste,italics and bold. It makes short of refuting someone elses ideas.
Who Said That...I'd challenge you to post on my blog an actual question, point of view, even a dissenting opinion to something I have stated, yet do so in a factual, respectful fashion without the snark, condescension or bitchiness, and I guarantee you won't be deleted.
However, that said, I don't think you're capable of doing so. Much easier to be an obnoxious bitch with nothing valuable to add.
Respect is an earned trait. Not a learned trait.
I'm afraid my question will be too volatile for said blog.
Any grooming practice that is prefaced with "your farrier won't be too happy", and "avoid the coronet ban" quite frankly, leaves my jaw on the floor.
Oh, and "cover up any tiny cracks".
Alcohol... on living tissue.
That was a biggie, for this old broad.
I really am out of touch with the new/old world of horses.
But again, since living under a rock, I can only imagine.
I'm sure I must be mistaken.
I find it easier to answer a question.
To me, horses/training/riding was like breathing. Sometimes I gasp at what I read now, and then I go back to said rock. Damned wet and cold rock, btw.
I know, I found another one.
Someday, I will shut the fick up.
Y'all can only hope, anyway.
Quote from SFTS:
You came to the facility I was training out of at the time, you said you had a Thoroughbred stallion you wanted to show in Reining and were going to be getting a Marchador horse. You also weren't happy at all when I told you that you would not be able to show your stallion, being a minor. In fact, you were a little bit defiant. I gave you my business card...and you left, never to be heard from again. Ultimately, I just forgot about it/you, because I was (and am) too busy training and showing horses to worry about some kid who has big dreams, especially if they don't want guidance and to put in at least a little bit of effort to learn from an experienced professional.
Quote from SFTS:
SFTS said….
In California there is no legal reason why she would need to refrain from saying this pony would be suitable for minor children. In the Arabian show ring, we have kids showing stallions all the time. Perhaps she's been mislead or misinformed by someone?
Contradict yourself much???
Perhaps she's been mislead or misinformed by someone?
Misled is more like it!!
SFTS must be doing A LOT of deleting to her posts, sure looks like a ghost town over there.
I was sure I would see the HUNDREDS of people that were frothing at the mouth, just clamoring for her advice, however there's really not much to look at. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
SFTS (I continue to use your proper screen name):
I guess since you can lie about your intentions, I can claim one for myself. I shall do it here instead of on Wench, yea, for the most exposure. This will be my last communication with you forever. I am not like so many (including yourself) who say they will be gone but return time and again. This is the final nail in the coffin of our personal interaction.
No, you did not bring my name into anything on the topic on Wench. My comment was not meant to be snide, it was meant to try to communicate to you how you come across. Sorry that you are unable to understand what was meant to be basic communication. I have tried on several occasions to communicate to you several different points of view. You are incapable of understanding anything that does not suit your mind set.
As far as my relationship with Dena, you do not know, nor will you ever know what that is all about. Do not judge what you do not understand. I am my own person, I think for myself, I act as I see fit. I can and do think for myself, no matter what any of you think.
And BTW, why do you think it is good horse care to sand horse's hooves down with multiple grades of sand paper and steel wool to make the hoof look better in the show ring? Hell, just use a belt sander, takes a lot less time. Even though the horse will lose the same amount of hoof in the long run, at least he/she won't have to stand in the cross-ties so long.
Ya know what BB
I just tried to post over on SFTS blog and it said my post needs to be approved before it can be viewed by all others that go there!
I like you feel that is rediculous. If you are going to have a comment section, then do not moderate it!
I wouldn't moderate. If someone brings others into it, especially kids that would be different.
What I see is those that sling the most shit, when it gets slung back scream the loudest, and play the victim. Or behave innocent and above it all. Bullshit. You wade into the mess and opt to sling shit, expect to have some slung back at you. If you can't take what others are likely to throw at you, I would suggest you think about what you are writing.
And the 'he said she said, I didn't, you did' is juvenile.
Yeah saw that too JR. Cracked me up. lol
Good luck tomorrow in court! (One of your MANY court appearances)
I think I’ll come back in six months and see if this shit is over.
Repeat after me… Do not feed the trolls.
It will never be over. Email a new topic andaybe we can start a new trend
However, that said, as Dena claims to be so concerned about children, has she pondered what effect her lunatic ravings, lies and bullshit slinging are having on my child when she reads them?? Lying about me, about my husband and about my family, about my life, etc ~ not cool, especially when my own daughter tends to be here next to me when I read things online. We like to go over horse forums and talk about training issues, bloodlines, all things horse when we have a chance to do so. Then she must see Dena spreading malicious nonsense. I daresay Dena herself would be livid if those tables were turned. But of course, with Dena it's always "do as I say and not as I do", the infamous pot calling the kettle black and all that. She allows herself to do exactly what she crucifies others for doing (whether they have actually done so or not).
July 26, 2009 7:21 AM
If you don't want your daughter reading things like that, then be a lttle more conscientious as to what blogs you visit with your child right next to you. These blogs have never been known to be kid friendly.
Why is it that your child attends the school that she does?? Why is it that she doesn't attend normal public school?? Is it because she has social or behavioral issues?? Just asking b/c maybe you haven't been that great at being a parent either, I mean really, if *you know who* was sooo bad, why would your child be in the same "special" school as her?
Just to let it be known I really don't want you to answer these questions, I'm just thinking out loud. I don't need any reasons or to hear your side of the story, so please don't answer. I don't really want to know why she's there, I just thought it odd that she goes to the same school as *******.
I can't believe SFTS won't even let JR post on her blog. Seems a little chickenshit like she always likes to say. Apparently afraid of another trainers opinion.
well, the evil entity, aka Dena, just called me the UK Anti Christ on the last blog, because she believes I am Jewish..What do you all think of your "friend" Dena now? She really disgusts me.
"Just a little FYI, XXXXXXX> This is also going to both local newspapers, the Daily Press and the Mountaineer Progress. You will get your wish, you're going to be famous!"
I should call her mother up and suggest that she do the same to you! Except I would post your rantings and raving about a 17yo girl in all the Arab publications! See then how many people want to bring THEIR children to you for lessons!
Since we're speaking of "nails in the coffin" Just sayin'.. It's all there in black & white...
She doesn't want any other trainer's opinion on HER training blog, especially not JR's. She tried to take over his training blog, got mad b/c everyone wanted HIS advice instead of hers. She got pissed on the FSH forum b/c ****** was open to discussing and receiving help from people other than her, even though she was local.
She wants people to think she has all the answers and to not have her advice topped by someone who actually KNOWS what he's doing.
buckdoff I referred to you as the UK (as in United Kingdom) anti christ as in that you have not a christian thought in your head or principle in your heart.
My reference had not one thing to do with you being jewish which you are not.Duh...
My thoughts on you being evil have not one thing to do with whatever your religious beliefs may or may not be.
And just what is that supposed to mean Buckdoof??
If this is blog is going to turn into the hate blog in reference to race, creed color or religion, then it needs to go away.
That is strictly off limits.
BuckdOff- Color me surprised... Not.
So how does it feel to be Evil? Do you own a sphinx cat?
You all take it for what it's worth..I know exactly what she meant, and it isn't much of a stretch for her..So, don't even start to accuse me of making up stuff about your beloved dena. I'm sorry JR, I took it in the spirit with which it was meant. Her statement does not need interpretation. Don't even start with me Roses...she's evil..believe it.
Well, I thought maybe you were talking about my post, not Dena's. So "cuse me.
I thought I told you to shutuppidity already Dip?
Good God... Bring back FHOTD. Nothing this low went on. At least Cathy had the foresight to shut this crap off.
Where do you people get the time to chase/post every where? Don't any of you horse people ride/train or care for horses?
I have one horse (besides the mini), a real job, and all my off time is spent training and caring for him.
For Christ sake.... Go brush/feed/clean a stall/pasture/water-tub.
I was not talking about your post, Roses..Goodnight all...
It's not JR's fault Drs...This woman, that I warned people about..has just run amok..she is now empowered by the fact that FHOTD is not up and running..she feels she has brought it down. Her sick little mind works that way. No one took me seriously, now here it is, in black and white.
How do you fit all your stuff into your "house"??
I think the reason you have no addy posted to your website is that you move so much. Course that's easy to do when you can just hitch it up to a truck!
Oh JR and roses buckdoff is just trying to build a case so she can blackmail me for my chinchilla.
It is really gorgeous and really soft.
And from now on everytime I look at it I am going to think of her.ROLMAO
BuckdOff... Understand.
I think this blog offers people a place to vent. Probably a good thing if folks can keep it some what horse related. One of the things I liked about FHOTD, till it was dragged into the toilet. Didn't always agree with singling people out unless they were truly Asshats (3-Strikes etc). JMO.
Drop me an Email if you would. In my unhidden/unmodified profile.
I can't believe you roll up in a blanket made from the skins of rodents! EEEWWW! LOL
Dena-you are FUCKING SCARY, also is Roses your twin sister, she is just a little less scary? SFTS-you are headed that way, if Dena is such a worthless POS why do you even bother. I have never in my life seen people act like this, SERIOUSLY, do you all re-read what you have written. Better yet go have your physician read it something is NOT right. It is time to let go, move on.
As far as I'm concerned none of you can agree to disagree.
Also leave the kids out of it apparently they have been through enough.
Roses-probably the reason her address isn't posted is so she doesn't have to deal with FREAKS at her front fucking door.
It's real easy to talk shit when you are sitting on a computer, hell, it would be worth the money to get you three plane tickets and put you in a room together with a video camera, CHICKENSHITS, anybody want to donate? I promise I will use the money for the tickets, not to pay my electric, phone or court costs(I know how to stay out of trouble, good parenting I guess)
WTF ROFLMAO, *headdesk* *headdesk*
If you don't like it, get the fuck out of here!!
This blog is really to offer people a place to so that they would stick to the topics at hand on the horse blogs. However, it seems that it always comes down to two people here that have issues with each other.
I was want them to come over here to spew instead of on my training blog. It works a lot better.
Tell me, Roses, was your IQ in the double digits before you lost twenty points by squirting out a fleshloaf?
Now if you came out and said, "Shut up, you fucking Jew!" like your bosom-buddy Crazy Dena seems to like, then maybe you would have my attention.
Sorry guys, I think I'm done for the night as well. I deal with misogynists on a regular basis, but racists make me all kinds of uncomfortable.
"Now if you came out and said, "Shut up, you fucking Jew!" like your bosom-buddy Crazy Dena seems to like, then maybe you would have my attention."
Now can you actually quote this as coming from her or are you just into using alarmist type phrases??
This is the absolute last fucking warning.
One more Anti-semitic, or racial comment this all goes away.
I am sickened by this type of commentary.
I realize that this blog is not moderated, but I can not and will not tolerate the racial overtones that this seems to be taking.
I do not give a shit who says it!
Sorry JR,
I didn't realize quoting her was as bad as saying it.
I know, I know, semantics. Again, I sincerely apologize.
I am a bit POed.
I was accused of being anti-semantic tonight.
That is soooooooo not true.
I am all about the meaning behind the words.
And I can be very logical.
Plus, I try to lead a meaningful life.
IMO I am definitely not anti-semantic.
Aww, I so missed you guys.
Why does it surprise anyone here that religious slurs started getting thrown around? Any punch will do ... as long as it hurts.
From your posts, Roses, you seem to live in the same general area as I do. Interesting.
I do think FHOTD lacks a certain something without the comments ... posting people's emails that she picks is kind of lame. It's like a popularity contest. I understand why she felt she had to do it, though. I always liked what the "sheeple" had to say, it added a lot to the topic. The constant sniping, not so much.
At least with a public discussion, more than one side of the story can be presented.
That's all I have, I am staying out of the mud wrestling.
roses...maybe you should be packing to move into your new home instead of spending so much time obsessing about me and my life. You really need one of your own.
There is no law in California which states anything about how you advertise your horses' gender. There is also no law in California prohibiting minors from owning, riding or exhibiting stallions. Any regulation which prohibits such is on a club-by-club basis, such as our local horsemen's associations do not allow kids to ride stallions in their shows or on their trail rides. AHA/USEF sanctioned Arabian horse shows, however, do indeed allow minors to show stallions in all classes except Showmanship, Walk/Trot and Leadline.
As for the school my daughter attends, it is a homeschooling program and no, *the unnamed child* no longer attends the same school, which I was told when I reported the TRO to school officials. My daughter is 17 years old, she is very interested in horse issues and a lovely, mature young lady. Leave my child out of your absurd rantings.
About my blog, I moderated comments because of people like you. As stated before, I moderate and administer my blog as I see fit. Don't like it, don't go there. My blog is going to be a safe haven from the bullshit and flaming JR allows to run rampant on his blog. It won't be happening on mine.
Court ~ thanks. We are the plaintiffs in a small claims action today. Obsess much?
On all your other vituperative bleating, you look more insane by the minute. Hitting the bottle much?? *eyeroll*
CCC, how about you just stop sticking your nose in conversations which have nothing to do with you? I understand all of Dena's buddies and parrots like to fight her battles for her, however I am severely uninterested in what they have to say, because it's always the same horse shit.
CharlesCityCat wrote:
And BTW, why do you think it is good horse care to sand horse's hooves down with multiple grades of sand paper and steel wool to make the hoof look better in the show ring? Hell, just use a belt sander, takes a lot less time. Even though the horse will lose the same amount of hoof in the long run, at least he/she won't have to stand in the cross-ties so long.
- - - - - - - -
We've been sanding and prepping hooves (along with thousands of folks) for more than twenty years. Would you care to ask my farrier how healthy our horses' hooves are? We condition them twice per day, use hoof polish remover once each show is over and have never had any problems.
Don't you have anything better to do, either?
JohnieRotten wrote:
Ya know what BB
I just tried to post over on SFTS blog and it said my post needs to be approved before it can be viewed by all others that go there!
I like you feel that is rediculous. If you are going to have a comment section, then do not moderate
- - - - - - - -
How incredibly "professional" to come over to a blog dedicated to the purpose of fighting in order to bash and flame me for moderating comments on my own blog so none of your rabid followers will make a shitfest out of it as you allow them to do on your own blog. Talk about ridiculous.
JohnieRotten wrote:
If this is blog is going to turn into the hate blog in reference to race, creed color or religion, then it needs to go away.
That is strictly off limits.
- - - - - - - -
You have already allowed it to do so, for weeks now. Those racial and religious epithets have been slung by Dena toward a number of folks here. Again, very "professional". *eyeroll*
BittieBonnie wrote:
I can't believe SFTS won't even let JR post on her blog. Seems a little chickenshit like she always likes to say. Apparently afraid of another trainers opinion.
- - - - - - - -
For this very reason I chose to moderate comments on my blog while I am out.
I answered you on the Wench blog, "Bonnie", as you chose to bring this shit over there.
I've got just one final thing to say to you: Get a fucking life.
FS, call me crazy ,but when you have alienated nearly every poster on a blog ,including the blog owner ,don't ya thinks its time to move on?
Dena wrote:
buckdoff I referred to you as the UK (as in United Kingdom) anti christ as in that you have not a christian thought in your head or principle in your heart.
- - - - - - - -
Talk about pot calling the kettle black (again).
Evil speaks ^
I hear you Drsgjunky. Hence why I moderate the comments on my blog, though only one comment thus far has been deleted. I would never allow a place for learning such as my blog to be overrun like this. When I headed back out yesterday (from about 1:30 pm until 9 pm) to finish up with working horses and giving lessons, I opted for the comment moderation. As I've told all these folks, I administer my blog as I see fit.
Kid, you are so right and I understand how it looks when I respond to the insanity. I am trying to refrain...it's damn hard to do.
You know what? I would meet up and take on Dena and roses ANY day of the week, though I can guarantee you neither would show up. It is easy to be a coward posting from behind your computer screen.
fernvalley, if you are referring to me, perhaps you would be better to direct your comments to your friend Dena about "moving on". I understand that you have done so before and she refuses to listen when she is on one of her missions. I urge you not to stop being her voice of reason.
Seems to me that some people's "missions" are quite successful, if you count the impact they have had.
I wasn't implying that was a good thing, btw.
Did I strike a nerve roses, you ignorant, inbred twit.
SFTS, I know neither one would show, that is how crazy people are, but if they did, I would be there and I would definitely have your back.
KID OUT! once again
I never questioned your professionalism, but if you want to go there. I am not the one that put my entire life on the Internet for all to see nor am I the one like FV said alienating everyone on the blog. I am also not the one dragging third parties through the mud, nor was it ever me that mentioned any of their names.
I started the 'Neighborhood' blog as a way to answer the ail questions I was
getting from FHOTD. The Friday night blog party was a way to have fun do something different. The only time it got ugly was when you and Dena got into it. Since I have started this blog, you came over here by choice.
As far as me going over to post on your blog I did that as a way to be supportive like you have done on mine. Not to 'flame' anyone. I am not there to take your readers and have no intention to offer anything but my opinion as you have been allowed to do on the 'Neighborhood'.
My best advice to you SFTS is if you want people to leave you alone, don't put your life up for everyone to see. How you handle yourself is up to you as you are a grown woman.
And for the record, I have been nothing bur nice to you, and prefer to remain neutral like I stated on the very first post here on the Gloves.
>>You have already allowed it to do so, for weeks now. Those racial and religious epithets have been slung by Dena toward a number of folks here. Again, very "professional". *eyeroll*<<
SFTS... to be honest - you are the one acting in a less than professional way here at the moment - snapping and sniping at just about everyone. . JR has not allowed that to happen for "weeks" as you insist or I would have been howling very LOUDLY about it. That crap happened on the FHOTD comments for all to see - not here. Sadly, those damning comments were sucked into The Void - but it was probably just as well.
I was one of those who referred to it here - but that was about it.... IMO you owe JR an apology.
This stuff has reached a level of insanity I did not think possible. Enough already. Racial slurs, way not okay.
And you're right SFTS, if people don't want to deal with your editing of, deleting, or not allowing their posts...you bet they don't have to go there.
If Dena and SFTS have legit beefs with each other...it does not need to be aired in all its ugliness here. Sue each other, or whatever. Then show the results. Enough with the slinging.
Boy it was all fun and games when it was just the internet huh?
You know that place of anonynmity where anyone could say anything about anything or anyone.
That free space where there were no rules.
No accountibility.
No need to "prove" anything.
No need to be responsible ever.
If there were any such place where there truly were no rules and consequences there are a few that I would joyfully meet there.
I do not believe I have ever made a practice of speaking for others. I do not believe I will start now.
I have always stood by what I say, write, or do, as belonging to me.
Right or wrong.
I believe that there are some of you who think you will force others to accept you no matter what.
I believe you protest so loudly and consistently because that is proving to not be true.
I believe there are some of you who have proven by your postings that you are envious of my friends here on the internet.
Has it occured to you that they will most likely never be your friends because maybe they see something in you that they do not like?
Now we have progressed to who will beat up who in real life?
Well how would you ever know who won?
It seems to me that some of you have already had your asses thoroughly kicked by your own poor choices in life and you can't even recognize that.
Even though, the rest of the world can.
Even when you present from anonymity.
It just shines through.
It is getting rather Jerry Springer-like here. If we could get these two (three?) on his show, they could a) make money, b) hit each other and pull hair or whatever with the full approbation of the crowd and millions of viewers and c) entertain us.
"Jerry Springer: When Horse Blogs Go Wrong!"
I mean come on guys, walk away already.
My painter was actually on the Jerry Springer show, he said it was mostly fake, especially the fighting parts. They treat them royally until the show is over, then boot them summarily in the street.
SFTS said...
Leave my child out of your absurd rantings.
The same way that you can't leave a certain girl in Cali alone??? No, you can't, which is why a PERMANENT RO has been granted against you. But, don't worry, I wouldn't stoop so low as to attack someone's child, regardless of what I perceived their crimes to be. It IS a crime however that your poor daughter has to be raised by a sick individual such as yourself.
And JFTR? I have never posted to your inane blog of drivel.
"You know what? I would meet up and take on Dena and roses ANY day of the week, though I can guarantee you neither would show up. It is easy to be a coward posting from behind your computer screen."
My answer to that?? I can GUARANTEE you that I would be there!
BRING IT!!! I can guarantee that you don't want to meet me in person! Something that I have NO problem doing. However, I will remind you that I am not BB's mother! I'm a whole different animal. I'm not a kid though so you might be waaaaay out of your league.
And Dena can stay home for this one if she likes, I won't be needing any help. And BTW the problem I have with you SFTS, has nothing to do with Dena. It has to do with the fact that you would go extremely out of your way to be mean, cruel, harassing and stalkerish to a child while pretending that you are some kind of savior and a professional in the horse biz! And your behavior touches a particular chord in me as I happen to have a child myself and IRL, there's no way you could stand toe to toe with me after doing what you have done to a child!
I can for certain tell you one thing: If I was this girl's mother, there wouldn't have been any need for a RO against you.
And as for my campaign against you on here?? Getting what you serve up to others on a shit spoon doesn't taste so good, now does it???
JohnieRotten wrote:
I never questioned your professionalism
- - - - - - - -
Some of your followers have questioned my professionalism because of my moderation of comments on my own blog, for posting on your blog and other things. I consider it to be tacit approval not to challenge those readers on those grounds. In the past you have done so. Just not recently as all this has escalated.
JR, if you came to my blog to be supportive, why bother to run back here in order to flame me for having my comments moderated?? I also don't consider that "being nothing but nice". It really was not a nice thing to do. If you have not already noticed, when I got back online briefly this morning I put the comments made while I was away through and they posted, unedited (not that I think you can edit a comment).
You are indeed not the one who has dragged anyone through the mud, however you have allowed Dena to come after me on your blogs unchecked, and therefore you do have some part of the responsibility.
I have honestly enjoyed your Friday night parties, other than Dena using them for a personal pissing ground against me. I think they were a GREAT idea to have a little fun, and wish they all could have been that way. Again, by allowing all the bullshit that transpired to go without moderation was, in my opinion, not the right choice.
Had my life not been dragged to FHOTD, your blog and elsewhere by others I would never have had a need to post in defense of myself. Believe me, I am not at all happy about having had to defend myself against baseless accusations, libel, defamation, harassment and cyber stalking.
I enjoy your training blog, have greatly enjoyed learning from you and have considered talking to you about taking some lessons from you in Cutting horses, as it's an area that I do not have a great deal of experience. I've also suggested that folks go to you with comments and questions in that regard, because I do think you have a lot to offer.
If we are going to "remain neutral", then we must prove our neutrality. That goes for everywhere.
SFTS said...
However, you are quite incorrect in your assertion. Big difference between defending one's self from attacks and deliberately setting out to attack, and making multiple blog postings (over and over and over again) attacking someone. That is something I have never done.
Really??? I find quite the opposite to be true judging by what I've seen on the Bad Little Hobbit thread (FSH).
Remaining neutral would not involve his defending you SFTS.
Honestly STFS , Stop please ! if JR wants to call you out on a blog that he has put up primarily for every one to bitch , don't you think it has come to the end point?
You talk about all the training you do , and yet you are never away from the blogs long enough to groom let alone sacool a horse or use an electric sander(WTF?) on its hooves !
I agree with you wholeheartedly, horspoor. This has gone way beyond anything resembling sanity and I also agree that if Dena honestly thinks she has a legitimate case against me (or Cathy Atkinson, for that matter), she needs to address that through the courts and not here.
My blog ~ is mine. People will comment negatively, I have no doubt. In fact, there are some negative comments sitting there awaiting approval and they will all be posted in their entirety as soon as I get that far. My only reason for moderating it when I am gone, I do not want the loony bin flocking to my blog to make hate posts and destroy the atmosphere of learning and civility I am building there. NO comments will EVER be edited by me. I just wanted that to be clear.
You know roses I had a lot of difficulty with that initially.
I kept thinking why don't they just take me on to my face?
The answer was pretty simple.
They wouldn't be able to type very well while in a body cast.
Or, from a detention facility.
That is their game roses. To make people feel incredible rage and helpless at the same time.
All while hiding in anonymity going hee hee hee.
They get their rocks off doing this.
It makes them feel powerful.
And roses? If that is the only way they can feel powerful they sure as hell would not show up to a fair fight with the tiger they have been poking with a sharp stick.
They are only now screaming that I am dangerous because they know it is not possible to remain anonymous.
And I have learned the rules well enough to see that the consequences are applied.
One thinks she is free of consequences because she is not a big enough fish for the net of international law is she?
Well she should only wonder exactly where she has been found.
Accusing me of racism is just the latest attempt to distract others from what some have done.
Some should remember that we left the court of public opinion quite some time ago.
As I employ diversionary tactics quite often I am actually familiar enough with them to recognize them when I see them.
And to the rest who are tired of this. Aren't we all?
roses, what part of "old news" do you NOT understand? What part of "I have no interest in anything the unmentioned person does with their life" do you continually fail to comprehend?
Who is it that has started rehashing all that "unmentionable" shit over this past week? It was certainly not me.
I can for certain tell you one thing: If I was this girl's mother, there wouldn't have been any need for a RO against you.
- - - - - - - -
Was that a threat I detect?
SFTS said...
Had my life not been dragged to FHOTD, your blog and elsewhere by others I would never have had a need to post in defense of myself. Believe me, I am not at all happy about having had to defend myself against baseless accusations, libel, defamation, harassment and cyber stalking.
Stacy, your life was not "dragged" to FHOTD. You have bee singing about your life like a damned canary! Ever heard the phrase Too Much Information?? Your crazy assed life reads like the National Enquirer and you happily hand out copies to anyone who will listen.
And as to defending yourself against baseless accusations, libel, defamation, harassment and cyber stalking? Did you ever stop to think what kind of damage you were doing when you were engaging in those very practices when it involved a minor.
You are such a succubus! Everywhere you go, there are reports of you mooching off whomever you can for however long it takes them to wise up to your particular brand of bullshit. It has crossed my mind that you were wishing to ingratiate yourself to someone, so as to maybe find another place to rest your ass. And when she refused your offers of "help", your plan didn't work out as you hoped, then you set about destroying her.
rosesr4evr wrote:
Really??? I find quite the opposite to be true judging by what I've seen on the Bad Little Hobbit thread (FSH).
- - - - - - - -
Again, since you have such an issue with reading comprehension, what part of FIVE MONTHS AGO did you not understand?
you can take that any way you please!
And while I will leave your daughter out of this, now do you realize just how awful some of your comments were about someone else's daughter?? The names that you so shamelessly called her? Do you want me to list them here? Let everyone know just what kind of filth you publicy directed at a minor child who's near the same age as your own??
horspoor wrote:
Remaining neutral would not involve his defending you SFTS.
I understand that. I may have worded my post wrong or not been clear enough. My intent is not to have JR defend me. Never asked for that (or intended to, if it appeared that way). All I have requested is fair play. Coming over here to jump on the bandwagon of "Bash SFTS" because he found that I had enabled comment moderation on my blog while I was out working horses and giving lessons did not seem entirely like fair play to me, inciting those who dislike me even more.
I don't care if it was 5 months ago! I don't care when it was. Don't for one minute think that you can run off at the mouth like that to a child and then try to present yourself somewhere else like a caring professional, because you're the farthest thing from one!
Oh and to clarify with regard to SFTS and Cathy Atkinson and a few others who have not as yet been named.
The information gathered is being used to pursue criminal action.
Why would anyone sue civilly those who do not have the proverbial pot to piss in or window(of their own)to throw it out?
That would be a true waste of resources.
And the action does not suit the crime(s).
Stop with the "I'm the victim here" bullshit!
You pulled this one down on yourself. The "Bash SFTS blog"? We haven't even reached half of what went on when you were so intent on bashing someone else on a public forum!
How do you think that felt?? DAYS AND DAYS of being subjected to this kind of treatment?? THOUSANDS OF POSTS!! Of having your private life trotted out for everyone to see.
fernvalley01 wrote:
You talk about all the training you do , and yet you are never away from the blogs long enough to groom let alone sacool a horse or use an electric sander(WTF?) on its hooves !
- - - - - - - -
I put the comments on my blog on moderation when I went back outside to work horses somewhere between 2 and 2:30 yesterday afternoon, when things finally cooled off. I did not return home until well after 9 PM. The vast majority of those 6-7 hours was spent riding horses, working young horses and giving lessons.
What is "sacool a horse"?
I will be addressing the issue of hoof preparation on my blog shortly, as there have been requests for clarification of such. For the record ~ sanding in hoof preparation for show horses has been ongoing for at least 20 years that I am aware of. My horses have never suffered any negative consequences thereof, and I do resent the implication that somehow I have damaged or abused my horses in any way.
I will only say this once. I went to your blog to be supportive. I did not come back here and flame you. I merely stated a fact that I was not able to post on your blog. How you take that is up to you. Like I said you are a grown woman.
Dena wrote:
I kept thinking why don't they just take me on to my face?
The answer was pretty simple.
They wouldn't be able to type very well while in a body cast.
Or, from a detention facility.
They are only now screaming that I am dangerous because they know it is not possible to remain anonymous.
Oh and to clarify with regard to SFTS and Cathy Atkinson and a few others who have not as yet been named.
The information gathered is being used to pursue criminal action.
Why would anyone sue civilly those who do not have the proverbial pot to piss in or window(of their own)to throw it out?
That would be a true waste of resources.
And the action does not suit the crime(s).
- - - - - - - -
Here we have...threats of physical violence (to go along with those made by "rosesr4evr") as well as threats to pursue criminal action.
These comments have been saved and turned over to the District Attorney's office in my local jurisdiction.
Also let it be noted that I have never, ever been anonymous nor attempted to remain so whatsoever.
Groundless claims and frivolous actions are not taken lightly in my county.
Wow, just wow.
SFTS- since you seem to have plenty of time here to post but not address the comments on your moderated blog- please explain how this is NOT damaging?
"To start, I use a coarsely ground sandpaper, and go through the grits as follows -- 80, 150, 220 and 400. Move with the grain of the hoof, back and forth across the front in a smooth motion, or from side to side. With each finer grit, you’ll feel a smoother hoof until you have the illusion of glass. Then I top it off with three varying degrees of steel wool, each finer than the last, to bring out even more lustre."
For the record, I have asked to several friends that have shown successfully for many years and each one replied they would never resort to any such lengths.
JohnieRotten wrote:
I will only say this once. I went to your blog to be supportive. I did not come back here and flame you. I merely stated a fact that I was not able to post on your blog. How you take that is up to you. Like I said you are a grown woman.
- - - - - - - -
If this is the case, I apologize JR. However I would expect an apology in return for making the comment you did, in the inflammatory manner you did here regarding my blog...such as calling me ridiculous for moderating my comments.
Anyone is welcome to come there and comment. My first post explained the "rules" as they pertain to my blog, and they will be strictly adhered to.
nccatnip ~ your comment is now appearing on my blog, and as soon as I have the chance I will address you there.
here is my post-
I find it horrifying that anyone would go to such lengths with hoof prep for a show ribbon. No matter how much, how hard, how many grits you are using, you are removing the protective hoof wall. Sorry, but a simple clip of the coronet band for a neat hair line, a good cleaning with a stiff brush and soap and the use of a good hoof polish is all that is necessary and not harmful in any manner.
Maybe you will have a chance to answer here sooner. It would also be good to get other input without the wait.
Let's get one thing straight, I did not threaten you with physical violence. You want to see me face to face?? You offered to "meet" Dena and I IRL, so should I take THAT as a threat??
And I can promise you that I wouldn't need that restraining order if I was that girls mother, because I never would've let it get that far! I'd have had your ass slapped into a cell and seen just how slimming stripes really are!
nccatnip...as I stated above, your post WILL be addressed on my blog very shortly.
If you intent is to cause trouble, however, your comment will be deleted.
I would like to proceed in an adult, rational and civil manner. The more you hound me here, and the more of a scene you create, will cause a delay in answering you in the appropriate place.
Thank you.
Lets take these claims made by rosesr4evr piece by piece, shall we?
Stacy, your life was not "dragged" to FHOTD. You have bee singing about your life like a damned canary! Ever heard the phrase Too Much Information?? Your crazy assed life reads like the National Enquirer and you happily hand out copies to anyone who will listen.
- -
Are you listening to yourself? Reading what you have written? Obsess much??
Have you actually read the comments on FHOTD in relation to "my life", objectively and with an open mind?
Obviously not.
Do I know you? Do you live in my community? Do you have any idea what the Hell you are talking about, other than that which Dena feeds you?? The answer to all of the above would be a resounding NO.
And as to defending yourself against baseless accusations, libel, defamation, harassment and cyber stalking? Did you ever stop to think what kind of damage you were doing when you were engaging in those very practices when it involved a minor.
- -
When were you granted guardianship of the "minor child" referenced above?
You are such a succubus! Everywhere you go, there are reports of you mooching off whomever you can for however long it takes them to wise up to your particular brand of bullshit. It has crossed my mind that you were wishing to ingratiate yourself to someone, so as to maybe find another place to rest your ass. And when she refused your offers of "help", your plan didn't work out as you hoped, then you set about destroying her.
- -
Refer to my comments above. Mooching off people? LOL!!
For the record, and since you wished me good luck in court today? We were victorious and I thank you for your support.
you can take that any way you please!
And while I will leave your daughter out of this, now do you realize just how awful some of your comments were about someone else's daughter?? The names that you so shamelessly called her? Do you want me to list them here? Let everyone know just what kind of filth you publicy directed at a minor child who's near the same age as your own??
- -
Again, when were you granted guardianship of the "minor child" referenced above?
I don't care if it was 5 months ago! I don't care when it was. Don't for one minute think that you can run off at the mouth like that to a child and then try to present yourself somewhere else like a caring professional, because you're the farthest thing from one!
- -
Have you spoken with any of my clients about how much of a caring professional I am? How about the clients who have me feed and care for their animals when they are out of town (without any compensation whatsoever ~ rather, I do it because of the caring professional that I am)? I could go on, but I believe you get the point.
Stop with the "I'm the victim here" bullshit!
You pulled this one down on yourself. The "Bash SFTS blog"? We haven't even reached half of what went on when you were so intent on bashing someone else on a public forum!
- -
All I hear in this remark is "blah blah blah"...especially in light of the threat of physical violence you issued above, following in your idol and mentor's (Dena) footsteps.
How do you think that felt?? DAYS AND DAYS of being subjected to this kind of treatment?? THOUSANDS OF POSTS!! Of having your private life trotted out for everyone to see.
- -
Do you want to talk about DAYS AND DAYS, and THOUSANDS OF POSTS of having my private life trotted out for everyone to see???????? Take a look at the comments on multiple blogs and postings of Dena Rodacker on her blog.
If the above is not okay for Dena, and not okay for the unmentioned individual (btw, I was under the impression that JR has REPEATEDLY requested that comments regarding that individual NOT be brought to this blog), why is it okay for you, and Dena, to continue to harass me and do the very same thing to me that you claim I have done to Dena and to the unmentioned individual?
Pot meets Kettle again.
rosesr4evr wrote:
Let's get one thing straight, I did not threaten you with physical violence. You want to see me face to face?? You offered to "meet" Dena and I IRL, so should I take THAT as a threat??
And I can promise you that I wouldn't need that restraining order if I was that girls mother, because I never would've let it get that far! I'd have had your ass slapped into a cell and seen just how slimming stripes really are!
- - - - - - - -
*eyeroll* Reading comprehension FAIL. Again.
This is where the face to face interaction was mentioned ~
Kid wrote:
>>> "It's real easy to talk shit when you are sitting on a computer, hell, it would be worth the money to get you three plane tickets and put you in a room together with a video camera, CHICKENSHITS, anybody want to donate? I promise I will use the money for the tickets, not to pay my electric, phone or court costs(I know how to stay out of trouble, good parenting I guess)" <<<
I responded:
>>> "Kid, you are so right and I understand how it looks when I respond to the insanity. I am trying to refrain...it's damn hard to do.
You know what? I would meet up and take on Dena and roses ANY day of the week, though I can guarantee you neither would show up. It is easy to be a coward posting from behind your computer screen." <<<
My intent was to discuss these issues as adults without anonymity. Your response shows where your head is at.
Getting me slapped in a cell...for what again? And you know, I am not in need of anything to be "slimming" for me, just for the record. LOL ;)
SFTS- Teeheehee.
I'm sorry, I know I'm not supposed to feed the crazy, but I have to giggle at someone assuming, A.That she would be able to land a hit on any given person, and B.That it would result in anything other than sitting in a holding cell screaming for a phone call.
Okay, okay, back to an adult, rational, civil manner.
Did the Yankees lose yet?
Damn, Dena. DAMN!
How DARE you throw stones? WTF is wrong with you? SIX children? SIX????? You bred SIX children, traumatized them permanently, lost custody of EVERY SINGLE LAST ONE to the state and YOU want to throw stones at OTHERS?
FYI- you have to pretty much be the biggest POS, the most exponential waste of breath on the face of the planet, to have your PARENTAL RIGHTS TERMINATED. Plenty of people lose their kids to foster care and eventually get them back- that you PERMANENTLY lost ALL SIX OF YOUR OFFSPRING to the state speaks volumes of what sort of person you are.
I will NEVER take another word you say seriously. The minor crap that you call "attacking children" that others have done that you've come down on them so hard for, ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY pales in comparison to the hell that you put your own brood through.
So, why don't you try to right your own wrongs first, before crucifying others?
Oh, nevermind, you can NEVER make THAT right. Hellbound, for sure, yup.
Worthless piece of crap excuse for a mother. They should have sterilized your ass after the first two.
Serendipity wrote:
SFTS- Teeheehee.
I'm sorry, I know I'm not supposed to feed the crazy, but I have to giggle at someone assuming, A.That she would be able to land a hit on any given person, and B.That it would result in anything other than sitting in a holding cell screaming for a phone call.
- - - - - - - -
Dang, I had a mouthful of ice water that I swallowed just before reading this...LMAO...thankfully, or I'd be drying off my keyboard and wiping off my monitor!!
This is way off the deep end now ... even more than before ... but as I understand it, perhaps just because I am a fan of reality -- to pursue a criminal case, you have to get the district or states attorney involved. A civil case is just between people, and all it takes is a court filing and some lawyers. Ver few things cross over from civil to criminal.
So threatening people with criminal prosecution takes more than just paying your $25 at the courthouse. You would sue civilly because you want damages from the other person -- that's libel and slander territory. IE, OJ Simpson was aquitted in his criminal trial, but I believe he lost his civil trial. He had to pay money, but never went to jail.
Lawyer people, correct me if I am wrong.
Just one of the posts you made about "your life" had too many characters for blogger to put it in just one post!!! Go on much???? And Yes it was all about your life, which reads like a gossip rag!
And since I didn't threaten you with physical violence, I can see where YOUR mind is at. It'a little different though when you pick on someone your own age, HUH?
And yes what you did and continue to do that minor IS a crime and punishable by law! And you were the one who went on and on about her "crimes".
You are not and should never be considered a professional or even a nice person after what you have put forth on these blogs! I will not stand by and watch, nor sweep under the rug what you did/continue to do to her. It would be unconscionable.
Dena did post a couple of months ago she regetted things that occurred in her past life and is in recovery.
Fair is fair.
That sounds like she is reincarnated, I mean in her past. Doh.
Ginger said...
So threatening people with criminal prosecution takes more than just paying your $25 at the courthouse. You would sue civilly because you want damages from the other person -- that's libel and slander territory. IE, OJ Simpson was aquitted in his criminal trial, but I believe he lost his civil trial. He had to pay money, but never went to jail.
Yeah well a civil trial would be great, if the other party had anything resembling assets. You can't get money awarded to you from someone who doesn't have a pot to piss in.
Oh, I'm sorry SFTS, you do have pots to piss in, you just leave them behind on other people's property when you're evicted.
Oh, hell, it's all MY fault.
And I don't even own a horse.
Don't hold your breath, NCC.
Ever hear of the periople, all those reading?
Look it up. Sanding it off? Takes a long time to grow it back. Yeah, stay away from the coronet. Uh, huh. Solvent-based polish removers? Oh, yeah. Real, real bad. Non-Sarcasm here, m'kay? Seriously.
To all who paint/buff their nails and colour their hair. You is destroying a living thing. It isn't good for it. Never really has been.
L'Oreal ICBMS incoming, NOW!!
Honestly, some peoples' kids..
OH, almost forgot.
SFTS, I believe you posted your life story on fugs comments. YoU did.
Jerry Springer-time began with those comments.
I used to (post my life story on fugs comments), and then I realized how truly boring/long-winded it was, and moved to my own blog. The interwebz applauded. Resoundingly...
Say the good stuff. Tell the good stuff ya know.
Please, Stop sanding off the periople. Don't tell me I was wrong with how you prefaced your statement. "Your farrier won't be too happy with you". Yeah, same goes for the horse, jmo. Horse won't be too happy. What's he going to say??
Friction and heat and solvents destroy living tissue. Yup, really.
Dena has lots of good horse stuff, in her noggin. Yes, really, FF. You just have to pry it out of her.
Stop the silly. It's just silly.
Me, I'd rather read Dena. About horse stuff.
But we know I'm...
(painfully etc.)
Oh, I'm probably wrong.
never mind.
Take good care of your horses, people.
Bloody lucky to be in them, ya know.
Invisible, painfully ditzy (and horse-less) bitch out.
Hugs and scritches, to your HORSES!!
Good luck to them, and to all of US, is all I can say. Save your money and time and anger for higher food prices.
Across the board.
OK, so I am on the same page that some people who have been called out or had their reputations damaged on fugly's and other's blogs want financial compensation?
Or is this just about STFS's experience?
Just trying to figure out where all the lawsuits are coming from.
(applauds Ginger)
My daughter is seriously LOLing about the fact that a couple of folks are giving me shit for exceeding Blogger's character limit. Her words were, incredulously, "You mean they have nothing better to complain about than you have to split your posts in multiple parts sometimes?? People do that ALL the time!". Too funny.
"Pick on someone my own age". Well, seeing as how you act like you're about thirteen, I suppose "picking on you" could be construed as once again "going after a minor".
Once again, I have done nothing to "that minor", have not communicated with her or in any way violated her TRO and therefore no "crime" has been committed on my part.
I ask, again, when were you appointed as her guardian??
Yes indeed, I hate to break the news to you, however I've been a professional for 30 years as of this year. I am an extremely nice person to those who deserve someone being nice to them.
Your behavior is what's unconscionable in this matter.
And here we go again. Sally do try to keep up dear.
I could care less what you think. I say "think" because it is blatantly obvious that you do not KNOW anything about anything about me or mine.
And Stacy wasn't that you who was served today?
Something about criminal contempt with regards to your violations of a PRO?
Please do correct me if I am wrong.
As if...
Sorry, I do have to agree that the degree of foot sanding that was described is right up there with padded shoes.
I guess it would look fabulous, but at what cost to the horse?
GoLightly wrote:
SFTS, I believe you posted your life story on fugs comments. YoU did.
- - - - - - - -
Indeed, I did. After it was brought to that b log by others, and I explained my situation (which had been lied about) and posted the truth, because I have nothing to hide. If you have an issue with that, I consider it your problem.
About my blog? Going there to address comments shortly. Feel free to post your opinions as well. Others have. They will not be edited in any manner, and will be posted in their entirety unless your sole intent is to flame.
I am also truly amazed also that people have time to look up public court records or whatever you do to follow other poster's legal matters.
Isn't there some kind of privacy law against that? Scary. I guess it is all public record.
I don't want a damn thing from this other than someone who's actions have harmed someone's child get what's coming to them.
I haven't had my rep damaged and the only thing I've been called out on was agreeing with someone else's point of view on how to deal with a situation. And no it wasn't Dena. It happened before Dena was even a blip on hte radar screen.
Future wages can be attached in a civil suit...oh and future assets, like land etc.
Just any FYI
Ginger said...
I am also truly amazed also that people have time to look up public court records or whatever you do to follow other poster's legal matters.
Isn't there some kind of privacy law against that? Scary. I guess it is all public record.
July 27, 2009 2:03 PM
At this time Ginger there is no law against it. And way too many people thought it pertinent to display Dena's court records and mental health records everywhere all over the net. So maybe that should change, but like Dena said before, you can't unring the bell. So what do you do??
Well, some people go about trying to enact change. To show in glaring detail what's wrong with the way information is all too easily accessible to anyone that wants it, regardless of their intentions with that information or how they interpret it.
Ginger wrote:
OK, so I am on the same page that some people who have been called out or had their reputations damaged on fugly's and other's blogs want financial compensation?
Or is this just about SFTS's experience?
Just trying to figure out where all the lawsuits are coming from.
- - - - - - - -
I can only speak for myself, but all I want is for the crazy people to leave me alone. It does get tiring having to flit from blog to blog (though as it's a good deal over 100 degrees outside right now, I am not going to be riding or working horses, or giving lessons any time soon) in order to dispel rumors and correct libelous information posted about myself, my family, my life and my business.
I am also truly amazed also that people have time to look up public court records or whatever you do to follow other poster's legal matters.
Isn't there some kind of privacy law against that? Scary. I guess it is all public record.
- - - - - - - -
Yes, it is public record. Some people, however, seem to have nothing better to do than haunt court records of people that live hundreds and thousands of miles away from them in order to attempt to cause yet more bullshit. Scary, indeed it is, especially for the children involved. But apparently if Dena does things like that to children, she gets a free pass.
Sorry, I do have to agree that the degree of foot sanding that was described is right up there with padded shoes.
I guess it would look fabulous, but at what cost to the horse?
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As soon as I can get away from the comments here, I will get over to my blog to address these posts. :) Promise!
Yep, I don't use my stupid grocery store card because I am tired of records being accumulated following my every move. Silly, isn't it? But I can do one thing to make sure one place doesn't have some file about my grocery buying habits.
I realize that everything else about my life is all out there, it's just my one little squeak of protest.
Dena wrote:
And Stacy wasn't that you who was served today?
Something about criminal contempt with regards to your violations of a PRO?
Please do correct me if I am wrong.
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LOL...yes, as usual you are wrong, Dena. I was not served today with anything having to do with a criminal action.
Who in the world do you continue to get your misinformation from?
Carry on. :)
When someone makes less money than would be worth going after in a civil suit and has no propensity to make anything worth going after in the future, you're beating a dead horse. I do believe a good word for that is indigent.
Indigent: adjective 1. lacking food, clothing, and other necessities of life because of poverty; needy; poor; impoverished.
This is a woman who is living in a rented bumper pull trailer, that is placed on someone else's property, couldn't pay her fines to USEF, bounces checks to her farrier, and has had her truck impounded due to her husband driving the vehicle with expired tags, while seeing fit to drink enough alcohol to get him arrested for a DUI. I do believe with all that going on, what ever you might think she would earn in the near future is going to be tied up in her ever mounting piles of legal issues and fines.
It seems though that the gossip mill that is the web is like a brush fire, it's pretty hard to put out. It happened even here today, someone accused STFS of using an electric sander on a horse's feet, when the original comment was just sarcasm.
I dunno, STFS, you could enjoy your "15 minutes of fame." You certainly aren't unknown now -- publicity is always good.
Ginger , thats not gossip, go to her blog
rosesr4evr wrote:
This is a woman who is living in a rented bumper pull trailer, that is placed on someone else's property, couldn't pay her fines to USEF, bounces checks to her farrier, and has had her truck impounded due to her husband driving the vehicle with expired tags, while seeing fit to drink enough alcohol to get him arrested for a DUI. I do believe with all that going on, what ever you might think she would earn in the near future is going to be tied up in her ever mounting piles of legal issues and fines.
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*looks in refrigerator and cabinets, noticing plenty of food* *looks in closets and drawers, noticing plenty of clothing*
Hmmm. Nope, no one indigent here. :) I can only surmise rosesr4evr is commenting about someone else.
Carry on.
Scary, indeed it is, especially for the children involved. But apparently if Dena does things like that to children, she gets a free pass.
SFTS, I don't remember reading anywhere that your child was featured anywhere on any blog!!! Now however, you on the other hand, have pages and pages of slinging shit towards a minor, threatening her, bribing/blackmailing her into accepting help from you and that if she did so, you would call off the dogs. And I do believe that Dena's children were often the target of snide comments and nasty innuendo from certain people on the blogs. You want to play with adults, FINE!! But don't keep harping on "oh the poor children" especially after what I've seen you spew from your venomous pie hole!!
Hey Stacy,
That was a quick search! I guess it doesn't take long to search a 10ft, bumper pull trailer.
publicity isn't good if it reveals to the rest of the world what a slimy piece of crap you are and that the picture that you put out to everyone couldn't be further from the truth. And yes she does use power tools to sand down horse's hooves to prep them for show, then she glosses them over with polish, just like she does her life, regardless of the cracks that lie hidden beneath.
Well, I for one have probably applied some shiny hoof polish to my life now and again =)
Ginger wrote:
It seems though that the gossip mill that is the web is like a brush fire, it's pretty hard to put out. It happened even here today, someone accused SFTS of using an electric sander on a horse's feet, when the original comment was just sarcasm.
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I have now addressed the hoof preparation comments on my blog, however, comments are still being moderated (meaning they will not be posted until I approve them in order to maintain the positive atmosphere of my blog). Thanks. :)
I dunno, SFTS, you could enjoy your "15 minutes of fame." You certainly aren't unknown now -- publicity is always good.
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:) I am not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. These blogs are not all that widely read, and actually judging from the comments in my email versus the couple of hateful folks on these few blogs support is running 10 to 1.
Personally I would rather my horses, my clients and my students, and their successes speak for me in the "publicity" department. Like the article profiling some of my clients and students in our local newspaper last week. That was so exciting for the kids and the owners. :)
rosesr4evr wrote:
SFTS, I don't remember reading anywhere that your child was featured anywhere on any blog!!! Now however, you on the other hand, have pages and pages of slinging shit towards a minor, threatening her, bribing/blackmailing her into accepting help from you and that if she did so, you would call off the dogs. And I do believe that Dena's children were often the target of snide comments and nasty innuendo from certain people on the blogs. You want to play with adults, FINE!! But don't keep harping on "oh the poor children" especially after what I've seen you spew from your venomous pie hole!!
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roses, you are right, neither my child *or* I have been featured. That would be because we have done nothing that would warrant being featured.
Yes, Dena's children have been brought up many times, by many people. I do find that unfortunate, and I am sorry for my part in doing so ~ not because of Dena, but for the sake of her children who did nothing to deserve being placed in the limelight other than having her for a mother.
I am going to ask again ~ when did you become the guardian of the minor you seem to be trying to represent?
Hey Stacy,
That was a quick search! I guess it doesn't take long to search a 10ft, bumper pull trailer.
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LMAO...what in the world are you talking about, a 10 ft bumper pull trailer??
You know, even Cleve Wells had his supporters.
Cleve Wells --the new horsie uber-villian reference!
He indeed is a reprehensible person if the allegations against him are true.
"You better be good, Dobbin, or it's off to Cleve Wells for you!"
Roses has posted you live in a 10' bumper trailer on someone else's property. I would quote but I am too lazy.
And wait, was "Sam" of posting fame one of Dena's kids? I thought that was actually Dena herself.
Ok so I don't know the EXACT size! I've never been in it or near it. But I have heard that it's rather dinky.
So Stacy, just how big is that rented travel trailer you call home sweet home??
Ginger, LOL at the 'Ol Dobbin!
Ginger wrote:
Cleve Wells --the new horsie uber-villian reference!
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No kidding.
Can you imagine what sort of person would compare someone like me to a monster like CW? Not anyone I'd want around horses or children.
And wait, was "Sam" of posting fame one of Dena's kids? I thought that was actually Dena herself.
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I was not there, until 4sam's return on FHOTD this past Spring, but Dena admitted to being all those alters on the "Planning FAIL" blog entry, including 4sam.
Roses has posted you live in a 10' bumper trailer on someone else's property. I would quote but I am too lazy.
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roses has no clue what she is talking about. But you should have gathered that by now. ;)
You know the whole do onto others as you would have them do onto you seems to get left by the wayside in the land of anonymity doesn't it?
That isn't really a question.
roses...why are you so concerned with the size of my home?
Why does it matter to you that we rent this property, when you yourself have made such a splash over the fact that you've just bought your first home, which I offered you sincere congratulations on, and were of course renting prior to your purchase?
Who is it that's feeding you information about my life, and my home?
And why won't you answer the question I have posed to you numerous times?
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you isn't practiced anywhere, not just on the intarweb. Anonymous or not.
Wouldn't it be nice if we did all treat people the way we would like to be treated ...but human motivations and emotions are a bit more complicated than that. Oh well, we can but try.
I guess I do not understand how or even why some of you are so invested in every detail of the lives of complete strangers...
Or why you all threaten each other and boast about your prowess should you meet up... or how you wish to eliminate hatred/condemnation/false accusations from the interwebz all while indulging in same.
All the threats that been made both here and at FHOTD do not reflect well on those who wield them as a weapon. JMO.
If a few of you put all the enthusiasm you show here in going after each other and "investigating" complete strangers into something more worthwhile... much good would come of it.
How about volunteering with a therapeutic riding program (something near and dear to my heart)? Visiting a seniors home? Doing some pet therapy? So much energy... squandered.
It has gotten to be one long chant of Do As I Say And Not As I Do... spreading across multiple blogs in a thick layer of miasma...
Flying Fig said...
or how you wish to eliminate hatred/condemnation/false accusations from the interwebz all while indulging in same.
Those things will continue everywhere. However, the abuse, stalking and harassment of a minor is a crime and should be treated as such.
Here's a thought, everyone of us came to this and similar blogs because they were about HORSES!Remember them?
Maybe instead of the shit show , we could talk about ,oh I don't know HORSES!!!!
Just sayin
I know this blog was created to house the shit show and keep it from flowing everywhere else, but really ! Isn't it time to retreat to your corners , have a swig of happy pop and MOVE ON!!!
I too understand your reasoning behind this blog, I have been a contributor myself, but after a time, it becomes an exercise in futility. I commend your patience and tolerance. I would have nuked it by now.
Amazing, isn't it FF?
I fully admit my part in the mud slinging insofar as giving back to those who harass me. Am I proud of it? No. However I'm not about to allow a few people filled with hatred and venom attempt to further muddy up my life by lying about myself, my family and my business.
rosesr4evr wrote:
Flying Fig said...
or how you wish to eliminate hatred/condemnation/false accusations from the interwebz all while indulging in same.
Those things will continue everywhere. However, the abuse, stalking and harassment of a minor is a crime and should be treated as such.
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If there were actually any crime committed whatsoever, against anyone, minor child or otherwise, there would indeed have been a criminal investigation, findings and proceedings. There has been none of the above. Additionally, it is not up to you to prosecute such, on the internet or anywhere.
Interesting that you consistently fail to answer direct questions.
fernvalley01 wrote:
Here's a thought, everyone of us came to this and similar blogs because they were about HORSES!Remember them?
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I absolutely remember the horses. Always.
It is actually for the horses that I am not out working or riding any of them in this incredibly hot weather. :) However, soon I'll have to head back to the barn, then come back and work my own horses. After it cools off a whole lot!
Fern V. you are right, I'd enjoy a civilized discussion about horses, but, without that dena person. She will just head back in here like a frigging bad dream, when she is in, I'm out. Sorry, can't stand her.....Roses? Listen, I have no respect for that little twit who's name shall not be mentioned. Why do you even bother?
An exercise in futility CCC? It does seem that way doesn't it?
I remember thinking when JR created this it's been done.
The thing that never quite seems to be done are the excuses.
And the hate.
By many.
This is the lesson that I will take away from this blog.
There will always be those who do what they can to bring peace and understanding.
There will always be those who will never accept that that should be allowed.
There will always be those that care not for the harm they cause others.
Because it makes them feel good.
And what that says about them really does say it all.
And Fern this place was never about the horses.
It was a corral for the ugliness.
Because ugliness should be contained.
And kept separate from the whole.
I told many of you in the beginning if you would not let your children play with it neither should you.
For the record? Here has never been about saving anyone or anything.
For those who thought this had anything to do with rehabilitating or redeeming or the restoration of?
Thanks for showing. It has as usual been a pleasure working with some of you.
Buckdoff, I don't care if you don't have any respect for her, she's still a minor and should be treated as such.
As for the rest of it, it's not over till the fat lady sings! Because, yeah, what you did to that girl is a crime.
I'm done with this crap. Everything else will come out in the wash.
buckdoff because it is the gloves are off and I would clarify once and for all that it has never been about anything other than the evil some represent.
Listen up. Listen close. And remember. Now and forever.
Til the sand runs out of the hour glass.
Til the hands on Big Ben stop.
And the world as we know it comes to an end.
You do not fool me. You never have. You seek to change much and you always fail.
And I will tell you why.
Because you are nothing. In the grand scheme of everything. You are nothing.
You cannot create beauty because there is none in your soul to express.
You can hire a surgeon to change your face but it changes not your expression that shines from within.
Beauty dwells with kindness.
And you are nothing because just like every other time in your life when you were presented with a choice you went left when you should have gone right.
You are a foul and ugly bitch. And what does that say about you when I am only basing my assessment on the work you have presented.
Yes Dena, this blog was never about the horses. They are far and away above all of this. Maybe that is why we love them so.
I think JR was wise to direct our human squabbles away from his original blog because that WAS all about the horses. It was becoming infected with the bacteria that makes up so much of human interaction. I admire his tactic and it has succeeded in diverting the venom away, but who would have thought this would still be going on and on, and on and on, and on and on, and on and on, and on and on, and on and on, into infiniti?
I don't know "you and yours"?
I know enough to understand that they are NO LONGER YOURS. I know enough to understand that you have singlehandledly created hundreds of thousands of dollars in costs to the taxpayers- of paying for YOUR children until they come of age.
And, I know enough to understand, as a woman and mother, that if you lose permanent custody and all parental rights of SIX!!!!!! CHILDREN!!!!! then there is something very, very, very wrong with you, as a human being and a mother.
You own horses? God help us all- you couldn't even give your OWN CHILDREN a "forever home".
Sick. Beyond sick.
Dena? You can go straight to hell, LOL, I'm sure you are headed there anyway, eventually. No one wants to blog with you...sorry, not many people want to blog with you. Sally, I'm in agreement, I'm sick and tired of this crap from her. And the fact that people actually want anything to do with her, it's insane...I'm frigging normal..And I think that bothers her more than anything else. I can go without addressing this crazy old clown, and she still feels the need to spew. She is not sane, she will not accept professional help. Anyway, nothing you can say to me dena, will affect me at all, you are just a troll, always have been, always will be. it sickens me to think that any of my tax dollars are going to her. How can anyone sit here and blog with someone who admires the Klan and Hitler..It's just so sick.
You know some of these folks would just not be happy unless they read something like the following and were able to convince themselves that it was true.
Mentally ill woman, with a long history of drug abuse, committed suicide.
The note she left said she was so overwhelmed by the anonymous hatred on the internet directed towards her that she was no longer able to go on.
She was so ashamed of everything that others said she did that she felt the only way to make it end was to kill herself.
It should come as no surpise that the cause of death was listed as an overdose.
The coroner stated it appeared to be a substance known only as fhotd.
Yeah...you could say I live only to disappoint.
The haters.
POS that I am.
Which by the way I interpret to mean "Pillar of Strength."
Guess some of you have another planning fail on your hands
Ya know, I went out to feed my little crew of equines (oops, Buck aint so little) and they have made me realize just how ridiculous this whole thing is.
I have four horses, Whinnie and Wizard live at one barn and Buck and Spunky live at the other.
Anywhoo, I go to the one barn and dump feed, as Whinnie and Wizzie are munching their grain, I am cleaning up and doing water, as I am finishing, the two of them come up looking for scrithings. Mom is known for giving good butt scratcings. Well, the three of us did out mutual grooming thingy and then they mosied (?) off to graze in their pasture.
I go over to the other barn where Spunky and Buck are. Same thing, feed them, clean up, do water and then there they are, looking for some attention from mom. Now I will say it is interesting to have Old Man Spunky asking me to scratch his butt and really big boy Buck doing the same. There I am standing with one arm just about head level scratching the Spunkman and the other arm way up there scratching the Buckster. They did eventually drift off to graze in the pasture.
I am now typing with noodle arms, LOL!!
My point, if you are a real horse person, I don't have to explain.
Very well said CCC.
It is funny how they can straighten out your thinking. I have been involved in the battles here myself, but after tonight, I can let it all go.
Those four equines have once again made me feel so special because they have recognized me as one of their own. There is nothing better than that.
Dena, I don't think anyone here wants you to die. CCC is right, go out and scratch your horses.
I know tha blog was never about the horses, but it is in fact the one common thread we all share ands what introduced us (so to speak)
Anyhow ,what CCC said!
Who Said That...I'd challenge you to post on my blog an actual question, point of view, even a dissenting opinion to something I have stated, yet do so in a factual, respectful fashion without the snark, condescension or bitchiness, and I guarantee you won't be deleted.
However, that said, I don't think you're capable of doing so. Much easier to be an obnoxious bitch with nothing valuable to add.
So now we have advanced to childish name calling have we? I guess that it was only a matter of time. And since I have not discussed my gender, marital status, parental status, sexual preferences, religious beliefs, background or otherwise, it is highly presumptuous of you to call me a bitch. But then I have come to expect no less from the likes of you.
Since it would be in considerably poor taste and lacking of any semblance of tact or manners to post on your blog and essentially hand you your ass on a plate, I shall refrain from doing so. Although you issue me a "challenge" to post, it was not an invitation.
Do you recall what I stated before about invitations? Accepting one means you will be gracious and mannerly when dealing with the other guests attending the function. If you cannot bring yourself to do so, then declining the offer is the polite thing to do. Obviously this is one of the simpler points of etiquette that you have yet to master.
Another thing about invitations, they can be offered with the hopes of not being accepted.
From the SFTS blog-
Probably the best way to judge the suitability of a certain bit to your own needs -- and those of your beloved horse -- is if he strongly objects to the thing itself. In other words, if he tosses his head, chomps on the bit constantly, gaps his mouth excessively or worse, doesn’t want to accept the bit at all, there is more than likely a good reason behind it. Try to listen to your horse rather than forcing him to accept something because you think it’s right for him or because someone told you it’s right for him. He’s probably the one with all the right answers. Trust HIS judgment!
Then SFTS from JR’s blog-
On standing martingales, I have one. I've used it once, on a huge TB jumper gelding who needed one for safety's sake, because he had a nasty habit of flinging his head in the air, HARD. I tried a running martingale on this horse for some time, however he pulled SO strongly (ingrained behavior from years gone by) that he'd force more pressure on his mouth than I wanted to see, and in turn it would freak him out. When I used the standing attachment, voila, problem solved. It had _NOTHING_ to do with "pretty". He was a Jumper, not a Hunter.
***Do as I say, not as I do? Oh, right. But if there’s nothing for him to pull against, how hard can he pull? An easy test of whether the problem was resolved or merely covered up would be to take the martingale off. If it persists, you didn’t solve anything. I would have commented then, but the other poster you seemed to be debating this with, seemed to handle it all well enough. So Madame, if you can’t ride the horses in a manner suitable for the sport in which they were trained to compete, please, just stay off their backs. You aren’t doing anybody any favors. Least of which would be the horses.
There are a great number of things you have posted here and various other places on the web, that I could dispute, yet it becomes a lesson in futility as you fail to grasp even the most simple concepts. If you did, perhaps you would be a better person, more professional in your dealings and a competent trainer.
I tried. I really, really tried.
I submitted a reply to the grooming thread on SFTS's blog in regards to sanding hooves for showing. Being a moderated blog, it sat there waiting for attention.
Fair enough, her blog, her moderation.
Being a professional and I would think using her blog to promote her business and should warrant prompt attention, posting and continuing the war here was much more important.
When I brought it to her attention here, I was castigated in my attempt.
So finally, here is the answer to my concerns appeared on her blog to which the following excerpt has been copied:
"All that is removed of the hoof wall is the rough outer layer, and finishing is very minimal. Actually, this article was written back some ten or so years ago, and at that time we did go to further lengths in sanding. These days, we go through far fewer grits and it's much less intensive than many years back."
My question is if you are posting instructions on training, show prep or an other information under the hat of being a professional would you not make your information and instructions current? Why would you post an article written ten years ago to only have to go back to admit it is false?
And SFTS- I don't know crap about training and I will be the first to admit it. That is why I do not jump in on the different debates on training. But before you accuse me having any ulterior motive for my post to your blog, I had none. I just saw a subject I could intelligently respond to and measure your worth of a valid horse resource.
You Failed.
Dena, ever the drama queen, you need some help girl...I strongly urge you to get some medical attention..
Who Said That, it's only because you have no clue whatsoever how to add anything constructive to a discussion on any topic. As you have no knowledge on how to be gracious, you have no manners or tact and are without a clue about being polite, you are not welcome on my blog. You've proven that one final time. I should thank you for that.
By the way? Since you apparently missed the not-so-subtle differences, as well as the mention in the post itself, the post quoted by you was an article written fifteen years ago, with a great deal of good and pertinent information, compared to a comment made in 2009 on an internet blog. Also? The post of mine was talking about bits, the 2009 comment on an internet blog was about a specific horse, dealing with a specific issue. Reading comprehension FAIL. Again.
Go right ahead and dispute anything and everything I have ever written over the past 25 years ~ I have little doubt you are salivating to do so. Your knowledge (read, incompetence), being soooooooo vast that you cannot comprehend basic training techniques or concepts, would at least surely bring me a terrific series of belly laughs.
Carry on.
nccatnip, reading comprehension FAIL, as well.
My question is if you are posting instructions on training, show prep or an other information under the hat of being a professional would you not make your information and instructions current? Why would you post an article written ten years ago to only have to go back to admit it is false?
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There was nothing "false" about the information posted in the referenced article, it was made for informational purposes in order to assist exhibitors in looking their best in the show ring. Pertinent and timely. Has it occurred to you that I expect those posters who have been jackasses to me in the past to challenge me on my blog postings? That's a no brainer. I've come to expect that from a few of you. I gave you an honest, and gracious, answer once I went back to my blog yesterday afternoon. If that's not good enough for you, stay away from my blog.
Being a professional and I would think using her blog to promote her business and should warrant prompt attention, posting and continuing the war here was much more important.
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No, I do not use my blog to promote my business, it is yet another resource for folks to go to learn and discuss issues related to our horses. If folks are interested in training services after reading, terrific (and I have gotten MANY inquiries within the past week just after beginning my blog).
As for posting here? Since there were yet more lies and defamatory falsehoods being bandied about, those were important to address.
Are you people done yet?
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